78 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses We have several budgets to support professional development and training activities and travel. We do differentiate staff involved in assessing outreach for these purposes. 35. Has your library canceled or discontinued events based on assessment data? N=56 Yes 38 68% No 18 32% If yes, what data was useful for making that decision? N=36 Attendance (2 responses) Attendance (head count) Attendance data Attendance numbers weighing the costs and impact on staff time versus the outcomes from assessment Attendance statistics Attendance, survey data Attendance/participation numbers (tours, library evening hours, reference desk) Based on attendance numbers we have cancelled smaller, non-institution-wide events. Cost analysis, staff efforts, audience reached, and strategic plan goals Cost of event, observation of popular/non-popular activities, attendance Decline in attendance stats feedback from users about preferences for different event formats Feedback and comments Financial data Headcount, participation rates Headcount, staffing challenges, comments by volunteers and attendees, observation. Headcounts (3 responses) Headcounts and observation (3 responses) Headcounts feedback from participants, staff, and partners In some instances we have cancelled events based on past attendance data. Information gathered at past events tells us that it is not worth the time and effort to continue. Lack of attendance Participation rates Poor attendance (head counts) staff time, budget, and ROI analytics comments interest indicated via social media Statistics related to usage and/or attendance, user feedback The wellness break program was offered during a semester every Friday and we didn’t have many participants in the mindfulness sessions. Traffic, survey, and observational data have been used to make decisions about overnight library hours. Our new student orientation was modified based on usage statistics. Use of the library exhibits has been collected and used to inform potential or existing donors of the value of the library collections.