133 SPEC Kit 361: Outreach and Engagement UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA LIBRARY Event Checklist Event Checklist Preliminary: Identify audience Identify what would make the event successful Check calendar for conflicts Budget Day of Event Details: Add to calendar Ask Isabella to add to Alan's calendar if needed for Library welcome/intro. Book room (use calendar) Book BOPS (invite to calendar event) library-BOPS.ucsb.edu Amplification or recording needed? Book Video Services/Instructional Development as needed Book IT support (add "library-desktopsupport@ to calendar item) ucsb.edu Book photography if needed Book catering if using Gather literature and drape Recruit volunteers Create timeline and staffing Obtain speaker bio Write remarks for UL or designate and deliver Directional signs For SRC exhibition events, load poster to SRC desktop Publicity: Obtain speaker photo Discuss publicity with speaker Contact subject librarians Obtain or create title and description of event Add title, description, photo to website Flyer/poster Distribute flyers/posters Other publicity on and off campus Add link to pdf of flyer to website Post event: Forward invoices/recharges to person responsible If recorded, create title slide and forward to Video Services Debrief Thank volunteers Send any video and photos to Rick Stockwood to post Event Evaluation: Event survey Notes: Headcount doesn't measure engagement. One way to measure engagement is by the number of people who asked questions.
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