104 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses We distribute surveys at all of our events. We look at various factors for success: attendance at events number and range of faculty who teach the book in a course number of students reached through above courses number of books distributed to students number and range of sponsors. Case Study 44 Undergraduate Research Award: Highlight high-quality undergraduate research that used library resources and services. Forty undergraduates submitted research papers. Eight undergraduates were chosen as winners and each received $1,000. Dean Outreach librarian, committee of both librarians and teaching faculty, library administration staff, donor relations staff, subject librarians, access services staff Digital displays, email, postcards, poster, subject specialists N/A Internal post-award review Eight students won this undergraduate research award in 2018. The students gave presentations on their research and showcased their use of library resources and services and how the research and the library contributed to their academic success. Minimal cost beyond staff time. Case Study 45 Unstudy session: Students are encouraged to unwind and take breaks while studying in the library during examination periods. Deputy chief librarian. $150 Student engagement librarian, communications librarian, student assistants, librarians from other campus libraries interested in hosting a similar event Social media, posters, information on library website N/A Surveys left on table for users to complete amount of materials consumed (e.g., Sudoko, origami paper, puzzles completed) Positive feedback from surveys. Asked “how did you find out about this?” and most users found it by walking by. As a result we plan to scale back poster, website content. Case Study 46 We established a Personal Librarian program with the goal of building awareness among new students of the services offered by the library to help them achieve academic success. It also gives them an individual they can reach out to for help. It serves all incoming first-year students, transfer and visiting students, and returning students from the Undergraduate Experience program. Each student is assigned a personal librarian upon arrival on campus and receives four emails paced throughout the academic year that offer personalized help and support. Each librarian is assigned approximately 65 students annually. Associate university librarian for research and outreach services approved the program. The budget was roughly $500 for a welcome event.