22 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses Write Night/long night against procrastination, opening the library spaces to student organization activities, students filming class projects in the library “Brain Break”: stress-reducing night prior to finals Button making events, stress busters, panel/roundtable events, musical concerts, jam sessions, celebration of campus scholarship, Rutgers Day festival, puzzle stations, receptions Concerts (for example, musical performances by faculty and students) Giving to Hoos Day, 3D and VR programming Hack-a-thons and Wikipedia edit-a-thons Hack-a-thons, openLabs for technology engagement, bootcamps, wellness and mental health activities History “gathering days” for members of the public, where oral histories might be conducted, images and documents digitized, etc. Homecoming, colloquia, exhibits, author award Ice Cream Social during orientation, Rare Books and Special Collections talks, Science Literacy Week, OA Week In partnership with the English department we held a search the marginalia of books activity. We also sponsored Sci Pop lectures (focusing on popular science culture topics, i.e., Magic of Harry Potter) that highlight library resources. Genealogy at Lunch and Family History Day also highlight library resources. Exhibits highlight collections and faculty subject expertise, i.e., graphic novels, Black Panthers, Poetry Month events (inclusive of international students). Internship opportunities for high school students. Partnered with a local non-provide to provide career readiness training for high school students. Mentoring grade school students. OSU Reads program with 1st and 2nd grade students (focused on literacy and wellness). Partnered with a campus group to support programming for autistic children and their families. Kislak Center Dedication Ceremony. Music Festivals series was hosted at the Libraries’ Kislak Center. Open Lectures and panels. Open workshops. Special collections and Cuban Heritage Collection exhibitions and joint initiatives with the Lowe Art Museum. Mindfulness sessions held at the library. U-Link initiative (UM Laboratory for Integrative Knowledge): a university-wide platform for incubating ideas, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and providing funding to facilitate new approaches to difficult problems. Community Engagement: The third issue of the Libraries’ newsletter access has been published. Lectures, panels, and workshops Makerspace, student public presentations, Digital Humanities public demonstration, Study Jams, Welcome week events with crafts, collaborative activities with UWPD, and more.... Midterm and finals study breaks in the library for students (with food and stress-relieving activities) Mobile Making events to demonstrate the Libraries’ 3D printing and data-visualization resources. Outreach regarding the dedication of one of our recently renovated buildings, and also the Brown School of Social Work library offers outreach to field instructors and their community partners. Partnering with campus groups on workshops and programs, 1st year advisors, library awards and prizes for research and scholarship, personal librarian program Personal librarian outreach to first year students Personal librarian program, stress-relief events, welcome week events (e.g., shaved ice), pop up library at departments/schools, exhibits and displays, newsletters to faculty and community.