73 SPEC Kit 361: Outreach and Engagement Surveys 46 82% Collecting comments 46 82% Usage statistics 44 79% Compiling social media comments 33 59% Focus groups 21 38% Interviews 16 29% Minute papers 11 20% Other method 8 14% Please briefly describe the other method. N=8 Counting swag and supplies given out at events Feedback/articles written in the media, for example. Number of swag items taken Offer chance for prize (a draw) if they answer questions they should have learned at event. Online registration Review of annual reports for indications of outreach. Standardized evaluation forms for outreach workshops and similar programs. Worked with academic partners to measure student learning. 32. How often do the following people design and analyze assessment tools for individual outreach activities? Select one choice per row. Select DNE if the individual or group does not exist at your institution. N=56 Individuals or Groups Never Occasionally Frequently Always DNE N Organizers of outreach events 5 21 24 4 1 55 Library event planner 8 12 8 2 25 55 Assessment librarian or dedicated assessment staff person 7 18 11 5 12 53 Event planning committee 7 20 9 4 13 53 Outreach head/director 3 14 13 2 20 52 Communications and marketing staff 11 19 14 7 1 52 Staff external to the library 21 16 3 0 11 51 Hired consultants 30 4 1 0 16 51 Other individual or group 6 3 6 0 8 23 Total responses 37 48 36 14 41 56 If you indicated above that an “Other individual or group” designs and analyzes assessment tools for individual outreach activities, please specify that position. N=9 Occasionally N=3 Each facility has their own assessment plan which may include staff from any other department such as the archives or administrative staff.