106 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses staffed by WEC and Psych in public space in library. Games, etc., coffee and apples and granola bars provided by library in adjoining area. Goal: reach students before they reach crisis point. Senior Leadership Team (for library portion of budget: $600.00) User services manager Wellness Education Centre director head, Psychological Services Mass email, posters, social media (cross promoted across the campus), Visx screens, post cards, flash mob Wellness Education Centre and Psychological Services (we asked WEC and they brought in Psych). Observational, usage stats, number of counseling appointments booked, social media comments from students, food and resources taken Very good usage stats (also number of consults booked continued to increase during exam period). ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 40. Please enter any additional information regarding outreach and engagement activities at your library that may assist the authors in accurately interpreting the results of this survey. N=21 As mentioned previously, we have a two-pronged approach—internal/campus audience and external/ community audience. Both efforts are substantially successful given the limited resources of time and treasure. Many different units within the libraries manage the outreach relevant to their role. In most cases outreach is not coordinated on the library scale. Only some of the outreach activities that the library initiates are captured through central tracking. Significant outreach activities are an integral part of the practice of subject librarians who work more closely with academic departments, centers, and schools. These activities include participation in events, faculty meetings, informal meetings such as coffee with a faculty member, teaching classes, and the many informal conversations that are part of relationship building. Our library website can also be considered an outreach tool if curated content is highlighted, especially exhibits and programs that support teaching and learning, and scholarly resources. Outreach among colleagues across campus is also a focus—faculty, students, and staff benefit from strong collaborative relationships with administrative partners that offer complementary programs and services who can point them in the right direction, such as the Center for Teaching and Learning, the School of Professional Studies, and Academic Technology Services. Our library does not have a coordinated outreach program, which makes it difficult to answer a number of questions in this survey. The survey questions that ask for the specific number of times something has happened (ranging from Never to 6x or more) are very difficult to answer, and the answers we have provided are anecdotal at best. Our reference librarians all have “outreach” written into their job description, e.g., “Serves as a member of the Reference Services Department and is involved in all aspects of the Library’s Reference Services, including reference, instruction, collection development, training, outreach activities, and the development of online guides to library resources.” Outreach and engagement are not the same thing and we caution against using them interchangeably. Outreach is often a one-way information sharing effort, whereas engagement is a sustained, strategic undertaking to create mutually beneficial collaborative relationships that advance shared goals. Engagement also includes teaching/instruction, which could be more explicitly included in this survey.