105 SPEC Kit 361: Outreach and Engagement Primary planners included the AUL for research and outreach the head, instructional design and staff members from Research and Outreach Services and Access Services. Gate counts are used for kick-off event, contacts/followups are reported with outreach statistics. Direct emails to each student from their personal librarian Internal collaborators are across library departments and were self-selected based on interest and capacity. External collaborators are the dean of the college’s office, which provides student contact data. Student interactions are tracked in LibAnalytics. Attendance at the welcome event. Student narratives While we know that this is reaching a fraction of the students who make contact following a personal librarian email, the impact is proportional to the effort: the program requires very little staff time and effort so any positive interactions make it successful. Case Study 47 We have hosted a Human Library for two years. Program Goal: Participants will further their understanding of, and tolerance for, individuals with experiences different from their own. Objectives: Participants will recognize their privilege and others’ barriers, as well as their personal prejudices. Participants will recognize that some individuals have had to cross social barriers that they have not. Participants will relate the experiences of others to the experiences of their own lives. Outcomes: Participants will be able to summarize/articulate the importance of listening to, and understanding, another person’s experience. Participants will be able to compare and contrast their privilege to the privilege of another. The event lasts one day, where participants could either sign up or walk in to listen to a human book tell their story. The event also had a showcase panel with some of the participating books. This event was intended for the whole Penn State community (faculty, staff, students, and community). Our Risk Management department had to approve the contract to host a licensed Human Library event. The budget was $1,000. Our Libraries’ outreach coordinator was in charge of the event and had a committee made up of library staff and representatives from a variety of student affairs units. This planning group oversaw the whole event (and all the elements). Press release (which generated local, statewide, and national attention) print materials distributed throughout the campus community digital social media (also widely distributed). LGBTQA Resource Center Gender Equity Center Multicultural Resource Center Paul Robeson Cultural Center Adult Learner Program Presidential Leadership Academy/Honors College Center for the Performing Arts (internal): interested employees and a member of the Libraries’ Diversity Committee. They were selected based on interest. Participants completed surveys after each book to assess our program outcomes. The group also has general observations and solicited participant feedback. We know that the activity was successful because our participant feedback was overwhelmingly positive. And because we asked the participants to assess based around our measurable learning outcomes, we know that our outcomes were met. Our event also garnered local, state, and national attention, so we also see that as a sign of a successful event. Case Study 48 Wellness Stations during exam periods: Partnered with Wellness Education Centre and Psychological Services to provide services & engage students about health and mental wellness during exams. Table