169 SPEC Kit 361: Outreach and Engagement UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY, SUNY, LIBRARIES Student Outreach and Communications Associate University at Albany State University of New York University Libraries Public Services Division Job Description Name: Title: Student Outreach and Communications Associate Rank: SL-2 Reports to: Director of Public Services Job Description: Participates in the development, planning and execution of marketing campaigns for the University Libraries. Develops, plans and executes campaigns tailored to the Dewey Graduate Library and the Science Library. Develops and communicates to students, faculty, staff and the surrounding community information about the University Libraries services, programs and events. Collaborates closely with the Marketing and Outreach Librarian, the User Experience/Web Design Librarian and the faculty of the Dewey Graduate Library and the Science Library. Serves as the primary content provider for the University Libraries Social Media presence including content tailored to all three libraries. Creates, maintains and updates the digital content displayed on the digital monitors in all three libraries and maintains and updates the front page images on the libraries’ website. Serves as a resource to the Dean of the University Libraries and to the development officer in their outreach efforts. Works to ensure a consistent visual identity for the University Libraries, working with the Web Developer and the User Experience Librarian Develops measureable outcomes to review and evaluate the success of marketing strategies and programming efforts. Serves on the Marketing Coordinating Committee providing representation for the Dewey Graduate Library and the Science Library.