76 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses Responsibility for assessing outreach lies with department heads and supervisors for departments conducting outreach activities, with a committee managing the libraries engagement with the rest of campus, or with an individual or group planning an event. On the large scale, outreach activity may also be assessed by a group monitoring progress towards the libraries’ strategic goals. Strategic communications manager The dean, library admin, assessment librarian, coordinator of outreach, and individuals contribute to the assessment. We do not have a single overall outreach program, so no single person is responsible. 34. Please describe the professional development opportunities and/or training that the library provides or funds for those who assess outreach activities. N=38 Ad hoc. The librarian or staff member must be interested and self select to attend a program at a national conference. All library administrators attended an assessment workshop hosted by the university administration this past year. This was in support of a new Middle States requirement to conduct assessment of administrative units like the library. This training helped us as we conducted strategic planning and identifies outcomes and metrics for each goal. All of our employees have dedicated professional development monies that they can use each year. Our associate university librarian for research, learning & engagement and our events & exhibition librarian have both attended the Library Assessment Conference. Our events & exhibition librarian also participated in a 6-month learning cohort with the California Association of Museums California Networks for Collaboration project on “Audience Research.” Annual potential for applying for funds to support specific events or projects. Professional development support for attending conferences. Assessment conference training with statistical programs Because this is a growing area for the Libraries, our program director for outreach & engagement has been encouraged to participate in conferences focused on university level O&E, not just libraries. Our program director also serves on the planning committee for the university’s outreach and engagement conference. Conference attendance funding Conference attendance, tuition assistance program benefits, consulting with library assessment, lynda. com Each associate director is allocated a budget for professional development based on the previous year’s allocation and the number of requests received for the next fiscal year. Staff are asked to submit travel request for conferences, training, etc. on a travel request form. The full amount is paid for staff for at least one conference. Equal to all in professional librarian positions Funding for conference attendance, training with other staff who have assessment expertise. Funding for conference, training, and workshop attendance. Human resources provides training and development. Libraries have a supportive professional travel development program. In addition to providing funding for staff and faculty development, which can include assessment training, the Libraries has funded an expert in data visualization this past year to provide a series of