102 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses events promoted through the program. The assessment survey also indicated that two-thirds of students found the program at least somewhat helpful in learning about library resources and services. Case Study 40 The Research and Collection Resource Facility (RCRF) Open House Celebration: This is a brand-new archive and high-density storage facility that is located on our South Campus. It serves the entire university and it was a multiple year project that deserved a big open house event. The strategic leadership team and the RCRF Move group team We had a RCRF communications team that was responsible for planning. We also hired an external event planning company. Facility managers were also closely involved. Personal invites, emails, listservs, website, online calendar, institutional website, social media Please see planning/staffing question. Survey, social media engagement and analytics, attendance (RSVPs and check-in) We had good feedback from the survey, great media coverage and press, great social media engagement, and in-person comments from staff and attendees. I’ve attached the RCRF Communications Plan as example and overview. Case Study 41 The Secondary School Art in the Library (SSAIL) outreach project is a collaboration between the University Library, the Department of Art & Art History, and Student Recruitment. The goal of this project is to connect art students who are currently in high school (Grade 11 or 12) to the University of Saskatchewan, and to the University Library, by providing free exhibit space for their senior years’ work within our library. This connects the art students to the Department of Art and Art History, encouraging them to consider a program of study at the university. Hanging the artwork within our library provides exposure for the student artists and beautifies our spaces. The dean of the university library approved this annual event. The budget is approximately $2000 per year. Team members from the three collaborative units (University Library, the Department of Art & Art History, and Student Recruitment) plan, implement, and evaluate the event. This outreach project is advertised to local high school teachers through the Student Recruitment office. The success of this project has also resulted in word-of-mouth promotion among the local cohort of high school art teachers. On an annual basis, Student Recruitment works with one high school on an art project for senior high school art students. The project involves each student creating a work that is of importance or meaning to them students are also expected to write a short explanation of the work’s meaning and/or the student’s reflection on the work. At least one workshop session delivered at the school by a representative(s) from the Department of Art & Art History is included as a component of the project. The high school art teacher(s) are responsible for selecting the student works to be hung in the University Library. The selected art pieces are delivered to the University Library for framing and hanging. The University Library, in consultation with Student Recruitment, the Department of Art & Art History, and the high school, will hold a reception where the students and their families and teachers are invited to campus to see their work hanging at the University of Saskatchewan. The goal is for the reception to occur in February or March pieces will hang in the library until the end of December of the same calendar year before being returned to the school.