75 SPEC Kit 356: Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2016–2018
http://libi.lib.umd.edu/sites/default/files/UMD Libraries Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan
2016-2018_ REVISED 1_9_17_0.pdf
University of Maryland Libraries
Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2016-2018
The University of Maryland (UMD) Libraries embraces diversity and fosters an inclusive environment for
its community through respect, education, innovation and professional development.
The UMD Libraries will provide leadership towards equity, diversity, and inclusion in all areas of library
operations, services, and spaces, to meet the needs of students, faculty, and staff.
• Respect – Creating a climate of respect and openness.
• Community – Building a diverse community of learners, researchers, innovators and
• Culture – Understanding cultural similarities and differences.
• Education – Providing training on diversity topics.
• Innovation – Encouraging creativity and innovation from employees with diverse backgrounds.
• Professional Development – Training internal candidates for promotion and/or lateral job
moves that broaden professional experience.
Goals and Objectives
The UMD Libraries strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for students, employees and
community where diversity is celebrated through partnerships, events, forums, workshops, exhibits,
services, collections and more.
Goal 1: Define Diversity/Inclusion:
• Objective 1a: Research other organizations’ diversity definitions. (Spring 2017)
• Objective 1b: Plan and organize a forum to gather library employees’ input analyze the
meaning of diversity and inclusion and post on website. (Spring 2017)
• Objective 1c: In collaboration with the UMD Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) incorporate
survey results from the Thriving Workplace Initiative into Libraries Diversity and Inclusion
Strategic Plan or separate working plan of action. (Spring 2017)
Goal 2: Organizational Commitment:
• Objective 2a: Utilize external consultants to facilitate focus groups, and to devise the best
course of action to address bias and discrimination issues in the workplace. (Spring 2017)
• Objective 2b: Diversity Advisory Committee will meet with the Libraries Management Group to
discuss ways to increase awareness of Library administration support of diversity and inclusion
initiatives within the Libraries and development of diverse candidates for promotion. (Spring
• Objective 2c: Review recruitment/hiring and retention practices. Libraries Diversity Officer, in
collaboration with Libraries Human Resources and the Libraries Equity Officer, will conduct a
historical analysis of recruitment/hiring and retention practices and report out to Dean of
Libraries and other appropriate units. (Ongoing)
Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2016–2018
http://libi.lib.umd.edu/sites/default/files/UMD Libraries Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan
2016-2018_ REVISED 1_9_17_0.pdf
University of Maryland Libraries
Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan 2016-2018
The University of Maryland (UMD) Libraries embraces diversity and fosters an inclusive environment for
its community through respect, education, innovation and professional development.
The UMD Libraries will provide leadership towards equity, diversity, and inclusion in all areas of library
operations, services, and spaces, to meet the needs of students, faculty, and staff.
• Respect – Creating a climate of respect and openness.
• Community – Building a diverse community of learners, researchers, innovators and
• Culture – Understanding cultural similarities and differences.
• Education – Providing training on diversity topics.
• Innovation – Encouraging creativity and innovation from employees with diverse backgrounds.
• Professional Development – Training internal candidates for promotion and/or lateral job
moves that broaden professional experience.
Goals and Objectives
The UMD Libraries strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for students, employees and
community where diversity is celebrated through partnerships, events, forums, workshops, exhibits,
services, collections and more.
Goal 1: Define Diversity/Inclusion:
• Objective 1a: Research other organizations’ diversity definitions. (Spring 2017)
• Objective 1b: Plan and organize a forum to gather library employees’ input analyze the
meaning of diversity and inclusion and post on website. (Spring 2017)
• Objective 1c: In collaboration with the UMD Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) incorporate
survey results from the Thriving Workplace Initiative into Libraries Diversity and Inclusion
Strategic Plan or separate working plan of action. (Spring 2017)
Goal 2: Organizational Commitment:
• Objective 2a: Utilize external consultants to facilitate focus groups, and to devise the best
course of action to address bias and discrimination issues in the workplace. (Spring 2017)
• Objective 2b: Diversity Advisory Committee will meet with the Libraries Management Group to
discuss ways to increase awareness of Library administration support of diversity and inclusion
initiatives within the Libraries and development of diverse candidates for promotion. (Spring
• Objective 2c: Review recruitment/hiring and retention practices. Libraries Diversity Officer, in
collaboration with Libraries Human Resources and the Libraries Equity Officer, will conduct a
historical analysis of recruitment/hiring and retention practices and report out to Dean of
Libraries and other appropriate units. (Ongoing)