14 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
The university provided a set of principles, initiatives, and guidelines for hiring and retention as well as
multicultural training for staff.
The university recently welcomed a new Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Some
recent initiatives of her appointment have been the addition of diversity training on campus, re-
evaluating diversity requirements for recruitment, and adding a diversity section to our annual staff
engagement survey.
The university’s institutional diversity planning initiative requires each unit, including the library, to
put forth 3–5 new initiatives each year to promote diversity and inclusion.
The university’s Office of Diversity and Equity and the chancellor have diversity statements. The
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) advisory group wrote a report, which includes specific action
steps towards DEI on campus. The Campus Climate Survey results were published on March 27. These
initiatives have influenced the creation of a goal specific to DEI in the Libraries’ upcoming two-year
directive and the creation of a DEI committee.
The university’s strategic plan for diversity instituted a framework that called for the hiring of a Chief
Diversity Officer and appointment of a Diversity Officer charged with leading their college, school,
or division in developing specific unit goals and initiatives/programs. Each college unit’s Diversity
Officer submits an annual report/update on the progress towards achieving unit goals and initiatives/
programs and any new goals/strategies.
4. What is the date of your most recent diversity plan? N=34
2010 3
2010 1
2011 1
2012 1
2013 4
2014 1
2015 4
2016 9
2017 10
5. Is the plan a stand-alone document or part of a broader document? N=42
Stand-alone document 24 57%
Part of a broader library document 12 29%
Part of a broader parent institution document 6 14%
If the plan is part of a broader document, please identify that document. N=15
Library document N=9
Academic Program Review 2010
Built off the broader institution document.
Diversity is part of the Libraries strategic directions. The development of a diversity &inclusion
committee and a plan is just one of the action items.
Libraries Strategic Directions, 2014–2017
The university provided a set of principles, initiatives, and guidelines for hiring and retention as well as
multicultural training for staff.
The university recently welcomed a new Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Some
recent initiatives of her appointment have been the addition of diversity training on campus, re-
evaluating diversity requirements for recruitment, and adding a diversity section to our annual staff
engagement survey.
The university’s institutional diversity planning initiative requires each unit, including the library, to
put forth 3–5 new initiatives each year to promote diversity and inclusion.
The university’s Office of Diversity and Equity and the chancellor have diversity statements. The
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) advisory group wrote a report, which includes specific action
steps towards DEI on campus. The Campus Climate Survey results were published on March 27. These
initiatives have influenced the creation of a goal specific to DEI in the Libraries’ upcoming two-year
directive and the creation of a DEI committee.
The university’s strategic plan for diversity instituted a framework that called for the hiring of a Chief
Diversity Officer and appointment of a Diversity Officer charged with leading their college, school,
or division in developing specific unit goals and initiatives/programs. Each college unit’s Diversity
Officer submits an annual report/update on the progress towards achieving unit goals and initiatives/
programs and any new goals/strategies.
4. What is the date of your most recent diversity plan? N=34
2010 3
2010 1
2011 1
2012 1
2013 4
2014 1
2015 4
2016 9
2017 10
5. Is the plan a stand-alone document or part of a broader document? N=42
Stand-alone document 24 57%
Part of a broader library document 12 29%
Part of a broader parent institution document 6 14%
If the plan is part of a broader document, please identify that document. N=15
Library document N=9
Academic Program Review 2010
Built off the broader institution document.
Diversity is part of the Libraries strategic directions. The development of a diversity &inclusion
committee and a plan is just one of the action items.
Libraries Strategic Directions, 2014–2017