134 Representative Documents: Diversity &Inclusion Committee Charges
University Libraries Diversity Council Charter
University Libraries Diversity Council Charter
The thirteen member University Libraries Diversity Council is a standing group reporting to the Dean of
the Libraries. The Council supports Virginia Tech’s strategic plan goal to “foster a diverse and inclusive
community that supports mutual respect” in the University Libraries and the Virginia Tech community.
Council members will:
● Review the library’s climate survey results focusing on diversity related items and suggest
appropriate actions
● Establish annual goals for the Council at the beginning of each academic year
● Issue an annual report of its activities and progress in achieving stated goals
● Develop strategies to improve recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce in the libraries
● Provide and promote educational opportunities on Inclusion and Diversity in the libraries
● Provide information to InclusiveVT or other campus entities as requested
● Advise the Dean of the Libraries on matters regarding Inclusion and Diversity
● Align Library Diversity Council initiatives with InclusiveVT
● Emphasize inclusion and diversity activities that relate to university programs
● Review the charter annually
Co-Chairs/ Members:
The Council Chair, Vice Chair, and Chair-elect will be elected by the body
The thirteen members will be selected as follows:
● One member will be the Director of Planning &Branch Operations who has been given oversight to
Diversity Initiatives in the Library (ineligible to hold office).
● One member will be selected by LSA as their elected representative.
● One member will be selected by LFA as their elected representative.
● The Director of the following departments will each select one representative:
1. Collections &Technical Services
2. Digital Strategy and Outreach and Dean’s Office
3. Information Technology Services
4. Learning
5. Planning &Branch Operations
6. Research &Informatics
7. Special Collections
● One member will be the current Diversity Alliance Residency Librarian (ineligible to hold office).
● The Dean of the Libraries, or his proxy, will select a faculty and a staff member as the two
remaining at-large committee members.
Council Member terms are three years alternating and they may volunteer for additional terms.
Council meetings will occur at least six times a year. The Diversity Council will present at the Library
Council meeting at least once a year.
Revised June 2016
University Libraries Diversity Council Charter
University Libraries Diversity Council Charter
The thirteen member University Libraries Diversity Council is a standing group reporting to the Dean of
the Libraries. The Council supports Virginia Tech’s strategic plan goal to “foster a diverse and inclusive
community that supports mutual respect” in the University Libraries and the Virginia Tech community.
Council members will:
● Review the library’s climate survey results focusing on diversity related items and suggest
appropriate actions
● Establish annual goals for the Council at the beginning of each academic year
● Issue an annual report of its activities and progress in achieving stated goals
● Develop strategies to improve recruitment and retention of a diverse workforce in the libraries
● Provide and promote educational opportunities on Inclusion and Diversity in the libraries
● Provide information to InclusiveVT or other campus entities as requested
● Advise the Dean of the Libraries on matters regarding Inclusion and Diversity
● Align Library Diversity Council initiatives with InclusiveVT
● Emphasize inclusion and diversity activities that relate to university programs
● Review the charter annually
Co-Chairs/ Members:
The Council Chair, Vice Chair, and Chair-elect will be elected by the body
The thirteen members will be selected as follows:
● One member will be the Director of Planning &Branch Operations who has been given oversight to
Diversity Initiatives in the Library (ineligible to hold office).
● One member will be selected by LSA as their elected representative.
● One member will be selected by LFA as their elected representative.
● The Director of the following departments will each select one representative:
1. Collections &Technical Services
2. Digital Strategy and Outreach and Dean’s Office
3. Information Technology Services
4. Learning
5. Planning &Branch Operations
6. Research &Informatics
7. Special Collections
● One member will be the current Diversity Alliance Residency Librarian (ineligible to hold office).
● The Dean of the Libraries, or his proxy, will select a faculty and a staff member as the two
remaining at-large committee members.
Council Member terms are three years alternating and they may volunteer for additional terms.
Council meetings will occur at least six times a year. The Diversity Council will present at the Library
Council meeting at least once a year.
Revised June 2016