20 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
We don’t really fit your questions. We have statements about diversity in our strategic plans. We recruit
diverse staff and faculty when we have open positions.
10. Please indicate which of the following staff development strategies your library has used/
developed to promote an inclusive workplace. Check all that apply. N=67
Presentations 59 88%
Workshops 50 75%
Programs 49 73%
Exhibits 47 70%
Additions to general collections 34 51%
Resources such as LibGuides, websites, bibliographies, etc. 32 48%
Additions to special collections 28 42%
Self-study modules 10 15%
Other strategy 24 36%
Please briefly describe the other strategy. N=24
Book discussions, climate surveys
Bringing K-8 students to the library for exhibits, story time, tours of libraries, etc. with staff as docents.
Celebrations, diversity focused recognition and awards, each employee is required to incorporate an
element of diversity or inclusion in their yearly performance management goals.
Communication and conflict management workshop: 40 hours with quarterly 2-hour refreshers.
Electronic signage encouraging diversity and inclusion in all library spaces. Email messages from
library administration.
Following the Office of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity, all staff have taken several
workshops and programs including our Diversity 360, Safe Zone programs. Staff are also encouraged to
participate in Women in Leadership, #youarewelcomehere program. The HR Search Committees are
also made up of diverse and different staff throughout the library.
Front facing staff receive regular diversity training.
Implicit Bias training for library faculty/staff and search committees. Include Diversity &Inclusion in
criteria for faculty/staff awards.
LibGuides that address various issues regarding diversity are in progress, but are not necessarily
designed for internal inclusivity on a faculty/staff level.
Libraries hosts a poster session for a GLBTQ course in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Serve
as a space for events, such as a Teach-In on Standing Rock and groups knitting hats and mittens
for those participating in the Standing Rock protests. Commonly purchased DEI resource material
placed in main library reference section. Offered in-house training such as “Diversity 101,” “Critical
Librarianship,” “Why it Matters: Libraries and Social Justice,” micro-aggression workshops and
common book discussions related to DEI. External workshops, such as Allies in Action, hosted by a
local college. Host external researchers and create a venue for them to share their DEI related research.
Invite members of the campus who do diversity-related work to present at library-wide all-staff
We don’t really fit your questions. We have statements about diversity in our strategic plans. We recruit
diverse staff and faculty when we have open positions.
10. Please indicate which of the following staff development strategies your library has used/
developed to promote an inclusive workplace. Check all that apply. N=67
Presentations 59 88%
Workshops 50 75%
Programs 49 73%
Exhibits 47 70%
Additions to general collections 34 51%
Resources such as LibGuides, websites, bibliographies, etc. 32 48%
Additions to special collections 28 42%
Self-study modules 10 15%
Other strategy 24 36%
Please briefly describe the other strategy. N=24
Book discussions, climate surveys
Bringing K-8 students to the library for exhibits, story time, tours of libraries, etc. with staff as docents.
Celebrations, diversity focused recognition and awards, each employee is required to incorporate an
element of diversity or inclusion in their yearly performance management goals.
Communication and conflict management workshop: 40 hours with quarterly 2-hour refreshers.
Electronic signage encouraging diversity and inclusion in all library spaces. Email messages from
library administration.
Following the Office of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equal Opportunity, all staff have taken several
workshops and programs including our Diversity 360, Safe Zone programs. Staff are also encouraged to
participate in Women in Leadership, #youarewelcomehere program. The HR Search Committees are
also made up of diverse and different staff throughout the library.
Front facing staff receive regular diversity training.
Implicit Bias training for library faculty/staff and search committees. Include Diversity &Inclusion in
criteria for faculty/staff awards.
LibGuides that address various issues regarding diversity are in progress, but are not necessarily
designed for internal inclusivity on a faculty/staff level.
Libraries hosts a poster session for a GLBTQ course in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Serve
as a space for events, such as a Teach-In on Standing Rock and groups knitting hats and mittens
for those participating in the Standing Rock protests. Commonly purchased DEI resource material
placed in main library reference section. Offered in-house training such as “Diversity 101,” “Critical
Librarianship,” “Why it Matters: Libraries and Social Justice,” micro-aggression workshops and
common book discussions related to DEI. External workshops, such as Allies in Action, hosted by a
local college. Host external researchers and create a venue for them to share their DEI related research.
Invite members of the campus who do diversity-related work to present at library-wide all-staff