43 SPEC Kit 356: Diversity and Inclusion
26. Has your library developed any measures to evaluate the success of efforts to recruit a diverse
workforce? N=68
Yes 10 15%
Not yet, but we plan to 25 37%
No 33 48%
If yes or you plan to, please briefly describe those measures. N=24
Answered Yes N=10
For our administrative staff positions, all applicants are asked to complete a confidential diversity
survey when they apply online. We plan to include librarian positions to the online application
process shortly.
In accordance with our affirmative action plan.
Measure faculty and staff search data: position, where advertised, applications received, candidates
interviewed, offers made, offers accepted measure applicant pool with gender and ethnicity summary
measure interview pool (#of candidates, sex, race/ethnicity of candidates interviewed).
Search committee training has been established as a measurable diversity goal for 2017–2018.
The agency is currently working on a strategic plan for targeted outreach and recruitment.
The library reports its staffing, broken down by race, in every annual report. This permits a year-to-
year comparison of recruiting/retention efforts.
We have a metrics and environmental scanning team as part of our overarching diversity initiatives.
We have reviewed the outcomes of recent search efforts.
We keep track of applicant pools. However, not all applicants disclose their race/ethnicity, making
measurements incomplete.
We routinely monitor EEO totals for library staff to be cognizant of diversity.
Answered Not Yet N=14
Anticipate changes in institutional recruitment procedures that will allow for more assessment
of practices.
Census Bureau, regional, university, staff environmental scans and metrics
Due to a transition in our human resources information system we can now more immediately
assess the diversity of a given recruitment at any point in the recruitment process. We can extend a
recruitment and try additional recruiting strategies if we feel a pool is not diverse enough. We look
at the diversity of applicants in the pools and will be looking at the number of diverse hires based on
the pools.
Not developed yet.
Our strategic plan includes a goal to study and develop measures.
The assessment librarian will be working with the Office of Multicultural and Diversity Affairs to
identify implicit bias in library operations, administration, and outreach.
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