44 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
The university has a regular diversity assessment (quantitative) for staff that we respond to annually.
They have also recently done a DI survey for the campus and the results for each area will be
distributed soon. The Diversity &Inclusion Working Group is making a recommendation to measure
and evaluate recruitment efforts, but not exactly sure what that will look like, yet.
This sounds like an approach we will be able to implement now that we hired an assessment
coordinator. We are interested in a more systematic approach and have the opportunity to implement it.
We are aware of issues with assessment in this type of work and are looking at ways to track it in the
Libraries and the university.
We are planning a periodic analysis of applicant pools.
We don’t have an established assessment strategy yet to evaluate the success of diversity recruitment
efforts, however we are developing library-wide assessment strategies and diversity related efforts will
be one of the assessment areas.
We hope to start benchmarking our efforts against other institutions.
We need to develop a way to measure where we are finding diverse candidates.
We’re collecting statistics on the placement of job vacancy ads and the impact on the diversity of the
candidate pool.
Answered No N=1
Parent institutions does this.
27. Has your library developed any measures to evaluate the success of efforts to retain a diverse
workforce? N=68
Yes 8 12%
Not yet, but we plan to 20 29%
No 40 59%
If yes or you plan to, please briefly describe those measures. N=17
Answered Yes N=7
In accordance with our Affirmative Action Plan
Measure commitment to diversity perceived by exiting employees in exit survey.
Tenure and promotion continuing status for faculty positions. We have not yet developed measures
for staff.
The library reports its staffing, broken down by race, in every annual report. This permits a year-to-
year comparison of recruiting/retention efforts.
The university administers staff surveys that provide some relevant information.
We are participating in the university-wide climate survey and will be able to obtain library specific
data. Once we have the data, we plan to conduct interviews and focus groups to dig deeper into themes.
We use exit interviews as a measure.
The university has a regular diversity assessment (quantitative) for staff that we respond to annually.
They have also recently done a DI survey for the campus and the results for each area will be
distributed soon. The Diversity &Inclusion Working Group is making a recommendation to measure
and evaluate recruitment efforts, but not exactly sure what that will look like, yet.
This sounds like an approach we will be able to implement now that we hired an assessment
coordinator. We are interested in a more systematic approach and have the opportunity to implement it.
We are aware of issues with assessment in this type of work and are looking at ways to track it in the
Libraries and the university.
We are planning a periodic analysis of applicant pools.
We don’t have an established assessment strategy yet to evaluate the success of diversity recruitment
efforts, however we are developing library-wide assessment strategies and diversity related efforts will
be one of the assessment areas.
We hope to start benchmarking our efforts against other institutions.
We need to develop a way to measure where we are finding diverse candidates.
We’re collecting statistics on the placement of job vacancy ads and the impact on the diversity of the
candidate pool.
Answered No N=1
Parent institutions does this.
27. Has your library developed any measures to evaluate the success of efforts to retain a diverse
workforce? N=68
Yes 8 12%
Not yet, but we plan to 20 29%
No 40 59%
If yes or you plan to, please briefly describe those measures. N=17
Answered Yes N=7
In accordance with our Affirmative Action Plan
Measure commitment to diversity perceived by exiting employees in exit survey.
Tenure and promotion continuing status for faculty positions. We have not yet developed measures
for staff.
The library reports its staffing, broken down by race, in every annual report. This permits a year-to-
year comparison of recruiting/retention efforts.
The university administers staff surveys that provide some relevant information.
We are participating in the university-wide climate survey and will be able to obtain library specific
data. Once we have the data, we plan to conduct interviews and focus groups to dig deeper into themes.
We use exit interviews as a measure.