21 SPEC Kit 356: Diversity and Inclusion
meetings. Collaborate with Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the College of Liberal Arts and
Sciences to serve as a space for weekly lunch discussions for students. Starting in July 2016, service desk
managers now train all student employees on diversity and inclusion subjects like microaggressions.
Library faculty and staff have the opportunity to participate in a 6-week diversity dialog targeted to
the library audience. This is a version of the 8-week First Year Intergroup Dialogue program hosted by
the library.
Participation in institution-wide initiatives
Participation on several campus groups that advise the university president on issues and pursue
various change initiatives.
Promote campus opportunities, lunch dialogues, improve the training of the Equity Advocate.
The Equity Advocate is a staff member who will receive training delving deeper into recruitment,
unconscious bias, writing better ads and postings, and general equity for recruitments. There is a
committee of Equity Advocates and an Equity Advocate sits on every recruitment for permanent staff.
Starting an inclusion and access committee.
Support of diverse populations and needs are embedded into more recent position vacancy
announcements, such as the one for Instruction and Outreach.
The diversity committee is exploring ideas around diversity mentorship opportunities.
The Library of Congress is observing DC Pride Week, June 2–10, with an exhibition from its extensive
LGBTQ+ collections (June 8–10), a film screening, Law Library panel discussion on “Youth, Gender,
and Law,” an oral history workshop focusing on LGBTQ+ veterans, and a book talk by David France,
author of How to Survive a Plague.
The university has provided many opportunities for staff and faculty to engage at varying levels.
Travel support to National Diversity in Libraries Conference
We advertise and recruit for our positions broadly to bring in diverse candidates.
We sponsor a diversity resident librarian program. The university sponsors workshops on recruiting
and retaining a diverse workforce.
11. Please indicate which of the following topics have been addressed in library presentations/
programs/workshops/exhibits. Check all that apply. N=64
Race and ethnicity 52 81%
Sexual orientation 51 80%
Gender and/or age discrimination 44 69%
Physical disabilities 44 69%
Social justice 42 66%
Mental health 29 45%
Language barriers 22 34%
Veteran status or service 22 34%
Other topic 21 33%
Please briefly describe the other topic. N=21
Bystander intervention implicit bias &microaggressions are workshop topics in development.
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