74 Representative Documents: Library Diversity Goals, Values, Statements
Libraries Strategic Plan 2012–2020: Goal III. Diversity
LSU Libraries Strategic Plan 2012 |7
Performance Indicators:
• Increased number of library faculty and staff from groups that are currently
underrepresented by approximately 10% (1 hire) per year.
• Statistically significant improvement in collegiality and morale as indicated by
assessment tools.
• Implementation of at least one new service per year designed specifically to reach
diverse constituencies, including but not limited to underrepresented groups, non-
traditional students, and people with disabilities.
• Increased resources documenting the history and culture of Louisianans who are
currently underrepresented in our holdings, especially emphasizing African-
American resources :seek a minimum of 5 new contacts with potential donors and
at least one donation per year.
IV. Engagement: Foster engagement of Libraries’ faculty and staff to promote excellence and
continuous improvement within our own organizational structure, achievement as
researchers/scholars, and service to the profession and community.
Background: The library has a mentoring program in place that has been successful in
assisting tenure-track librarians to achieve promotion and tenure. Internal training sessions
occur on a bi-weekly basis, and most staff and faculty participate in two or more continuing
education opportunities each semester. In the last five years, six staff have earned
advanced degrees (four in Library and Information Science) and four staff have participated
in the university’s Lead/Emerge Program. Faculty have been selected to participate in the
Harvard Institutes for Higher Education Leadership Institute for Academic Libraries and the
Archives Leadership Institute funded by the National Historical Publications and Records
Commission. Faculty members have held twelve elected or appointed positions in national
professional organizations, and more than a dozen positions at the regional, state, and local
levels. More than a dozen faculty and staff have received national, regional and state-level
awards for professional achievement or service. Faculty serve on state and national
advisory boards, including the Louisiana Historical Records Advisory Board, the Louisiana
Advisory Council for the State Documents Depository Program, and the federal Depository
Library Council, which advises the Public Printer of the United States.
The Dean’s Advisory Group will monitor implementation of the strategic plan, with a
formal quarterly review. Bringing in additional personnel as needed, the AG will
conduct an annual review of the plan, revising and updating it annually to maintain
its usefulness.
The Dean’s Advisory Group will examine the library’s organizational structure and
make recommendations to adapt to emerging needs.
Adopt the Google 80/20 model to encourage innovation and engagement.
Libraries Strategic Plan 2012–2020: Goal III. Diversity
LSU Libraries Strategic Plan 2012 |7
Performance Indicators:
• Increased number of library faculty and staff from groups that are currently
underrepresented by approximately 10% (1 hire) per year.
• Statistically significant improvement in collegiality and morale as indicated by
assessment tools.
• Implementation of at least one new service per year designed specifically to reach
diverse constituencies, including but not limited to underrepresented groups, non-
traditional students, and people with disabilities.
• Increased resources documenting the history and culture of Louisianans who are
currently underrepresented in our holdings, especially emphasizing African-
American resources :seek a minimum of 5 new contacts with potential donors and
at least one donation per year.
IV. Engagement: Foster engagement of Libraries’ faculty and staff to promote excellence and
continuous improvement within our own organizational structure, achievement as
researchers/scholars, and service to the profession and community.
Background: The library has a mentoring program in place that has been successful in
assisting tenure-track librarians to achieve promotion and tenure. Internal training sessions
occur on a bi-weekly basis, and most staff and faculty participate in two or more continuing
education opportunities each semester. In the last five years, six staff have earned
advanced degrees (four in Library and Information Science) and four staff have participated
in the university’s Lead/Emerge Program. Faculty have been selected to participate in the
Harvard Institutes for Higher Education Leadership Institute for Academic Libraries and the
Archives Leadership Institute funded by the National Historical Publications and Records
Commission. Faculty members have held twelve elected or appointed positions in national
professional organizations, and more than a dozen positions at the regional, state, and local
levels. More than a dozen faculty and staff have received national, regional and state-level
awards for professional achievement or service. Faculty serve on state and national
advisory boards, including the Louisiana Historical Records Advisory Board, the Louisiana
Advisory Council for the State Documents Depository Program, and the federal Depository
Library Council, which advises the Public Printer of the United States.
The Dean’s Advisory Group will monitor implementation of the strategic plan, with a
formal quarterly review. Bringing in additional personnel as needed, the AG will
conduct an annual review of the plan, revising and updating it annually to maintain
its usefulness.
The Dean’s Advisory Group will examine the library’s organizational structure and
make recommendations to adapt to emerging needs.
Adopt the Google 80/20 model to encourage innovation and engagement.