30 Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Library OUCH Training
Local library consortium has a diversity committee that is putting together some
additional opportunities.
Panel discussion regarding breaking down barriers to information access.
Student organizations, university lectures program
The Triangle Research Library Network Management Academy dedicates a significant amount to
diversity and inclusion.
The university offers other conferences, programs, and summits on diversity issues, which interested
staff may attend.
Various local opportunities with public library system, schools within Penn, non-profits in
West Philadelphia
We have an outside consultant who has worked with us for nearly 10 years offering training on a variety
of issues.
14. Please enter any additional comments you have about library efforts to promote an inclusive
workplace. N=21
Diversity is one of the six values the library has identified for ourselves. This means it gets integrated
into many library HR processes.
I am fairly new to the organization. This does not seem to be a big focus for the organization currently
but I hope that we make progress in this area soon.
In addition to these training opportunities, the University Libraries Diversity Council and InclusiveVT
representative monitor campus climate assessments, meet with other library component groups to
discuss diversity/inclusion issues, and communicate with the Virginia Tech Vice Provost for Inclusion
and Diversity about issues affecting library employees.
In February 2017, INLP (Indigenous Nations Library Program) organized a program (The Ongoing
Struggle: Abolishing the Racist Seal) about UNM’s offensive seal. This program, presented by the
campus Kiva Club, was held in the University Library, and open to the entire campus community.
Launched a Leadership Academy, which includes a component on diversity and inclusion.
Library staff who participate in community engagement efforts to collect oral histories and digitize
historical documents in minority communities benefit from the interaction.
Most of the local opportunities are offered by specific employers for their own workforce.
Paid for the library representative to the campus Academic Council for Diversity &Inclusivity to attend
the ARL National Diversity in Libraries Conference.
Several faculty are involved in Inclusive Campus, an initiative to provide education and discussions
about a broad range of topics related to diversity and inclusion.
Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center training opportunity – Bringing in the Bystander
Office of Multicultural Affairs training opportunity – Social Justice Fellows Program, Diversity &
Social Justice Trainings, Coffee Talk Series, Faculty Book Club Office of Diversity &Equity training
opportunity – Annual Enhancing Cultural Competency Conference Center for Sexuality and Gender
Diversity in partnership with the Office of Multicultural Affairs training opportunity – Safe Zone ADA
Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility training opportunity – ADA Training Counseling and
Psychological Services (CAPS) training opportunity – Mental Health First Aid in Higher Education
School of Social Welfare training opportunity – Social Work Day with Dr. Shakti Butler, Understanding
Library OUCH Training
Local library consortium has a diversity committee that is putting together some
additional opportunities.
Panel discussion regarding breaking down barriers to information access.
Student organizations, university lectures program
The Triangle Research Library Network Management Academy dedicates a significant amount to
diversity and inclusion.
The university offers other conferences, programs, and summits on diversity issues, which interested
staff may attend.
Various local opportunities with public library system, schools within Penn, non-profits in
West Philadelphia
We have an outside consultant who has worked with us for nearly 10 years offering training on a variety
of issues.
14. Please enter any additional comments you have about library efforts to promote an inclusive
workplace. N=21
Diversity is one of the six values the library has identified for ourselves. This means it gets integrated
into many library HR processes.
I am fairly new to the organization. This does not seem to be a big focus for the organization currently
but I hope that we make progress in this area soon.
In addition to these training opportunities, the University Libraries Diversity Council and InclusiveVT
representative monitor campus climate assessments, meet with other library component groups to
discuss diversity/inclusion issues, and communicate with the Virginia Tech Vice Provost for Inclusion
and Diversity about issues affecting library employees.
In February 2017, INLP (Indigenous Nations Library Program) organized a program (The Ongoing
Struggle: Abolishing the Racist Seal) about UNM’s offensive seal. This program, presented by the
campus Kiva Club, was held in the University Library, and open to the entire campus community.
Launched a Leadership Academy, which includes a component on diversity and inclusion.
Library staff who participate in community engagement efforts to collect oral histories and digitize
historical documents in minority communities benefit from the interaction.
Most of the local opportunities are offered by specific employers for their own workforce.
Paid for the library representative to the campus Academic Council for Diversity &Inclusivity to attend
the ARL National Diversity in Libraries Conference.
Several faculty are involved in Inclusive Campus, an initiative to provide education and discussions
about a broad range of topics related to diversity and inclusion.
Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center training opportunity – Bringing in the Bystander
Office of Multicultural Affairs training opportunity – Social Justice Fellows Program, Diversity &
Social Justice Trainings, Coffee Talk Series, Faculty Book Club Office of Diversity &Equity training
opportunity – Annual Enhancing Cultural Competency Conference Center for Sexuality and Gender
Diversity in partnership with the Office of Multicultural Affairs training opportunity – Safe Zone ADA
Resource Center for Equity and Accessibility training opportunity – ADA Training Counseling and
Psychological Services (CAPS) training opportunity – Mental Health First Aid in Higher Education
School of Social Welfare training opportunity – Social Work Day with Dr. Shakti Butler, Understanding