25 SPEC Kit 356: Diversity and Inclusion
The Libraries are committed to social justice work. Some examples are librarians and staff hosting a
community Teach-In on Standing Rock, library faculty and staff leading internal workshops on critical
librarianship, microagressions, Diversity 101, libraries and social justice, and libraries as non-neutral
spaces. The dean’s statement supporting students performing social justice work.
The Libraries Directors Council has been responsible for planning events. The Director of Program
Planning and Outreach has also planned and delivered events.
The Libraries’ Continuing Education Committee also plans staff programs related to diversity.
The library’s administrative group, including its dean, associate dean, and division directors,
are responsible for seeing that the university’s diversity initiatives and guidelines are followed.
Presentations, workshops, or exhibits generally are organized and facilitated through the library
departments, committees, or task groups.
University Libraries HR is responsible for some, but presentations/programs/exhibits could be
planned and delivered by different individuals in the UL. Since we have no diversity program, plan, or
committee, it’s unclear who would be responsible (if this question refers to diversity pres/prog/exhib)
because we haven’t had any internally.
University’s Learning and Organizational Development Department and the Center for Multicultural
and Ethnic Programs (CMEP), and the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)
We currently don’t have anyone identified for this role. Our new committee may take on part of this
responsibility. We may address this in our new strategic planning.
We leverage institute-wide programmatic offerings and initiatives. These are largely sponsored and
managed by the Institute Diversity unit.
13. Please briefly describe any external training opportunities relating to promoting an inclusive
workplace that are available to staff. N=62
Training provided by the parent institution N=61
All are optional: LGBTQ Ally Training, a multipart course dedicated to diversity and inclusion, which
culminates with a certificate, and more.
All university-level training programs offered throughout the year from colleges, campus groups,
Multi-cultural Services, and president’s office, as well as training from Employee and Organizational
Development (human resources certificate program).
“Become Educated About Diversity” workshop (on request for department) Bias and Response Team
Presentations available upon request. “Implicit Bias” Symposium.
Bystander intervention, implicit bias
Campus Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity offers training such as a year-long Equal
Opportunity Institute, National Coalition Building Institute, Affirmative Action in Employment, Title
IX, Unconscious Bias, and many others. The LGBTQ Center offers Project SAFE Ally and Trans 101
workshops the Libraries has hosted these workshops several times. Green Zone training is offered by
the Office of Military and Veterans Services.
Central HR/and GOLD Group
Crucial conversations emotional intelligence sexual harassment prevention
Cultural competency/diversity, sexual harassment, management skills series
disAbility training
The Libraries are committed to social justice work. Some examples are librarians and staff hosting a
community Teach-In on Standing Rock, library faculty and staff leading internal workshops on critical
librarianship, microagressions, Diversity 101, libraries and social justice, and libraries as non-neutral
spaces. The dean’s statement supporting students performing social justice work.
The Libraries Directors Council has been responsible for planning events. The Director of Program
Planning and Outreach has also planned and delivered events.
The Libraries’ Continuing Education Committee also plans staff programs related to diversity.
The library’s administrative group, including its dean, associate dean, and division directors,
are responsible for seeing that the university’s diversity initiatives and guidelines are followed.
Presentations, workshops, or exhibits generally are organized and facilitated through the library
departments, committees, or task groups.
University Libraries HR is responsible for some, but presentations/programs/exhibits could be
planned and delivered by different individuals in the UL. Since we have no diversity program, plan, or
committee, it’s unclear who would be responsible (if this question refers to diversity pres/prog/exhib)
because we haven’t had any internally.
University’s Learning and Organizational Development Department and the Center for Multicultural
and Ethnic Programs (CMEP), and the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO)
We currently don’t have anyone identified for this role. Our new committee may take on part of this
responsibility. We may address this in our new strategic planning.
We leverage institute-wide programmatic offerings and initiatives. These are largely sponsored and
managed by the Institute Diversity unit.
13. Please briefly describe any external training opportunities relating to promoting an inclusive
workplace that are available to staff. N=62
Training provided by the parent institution N=61
All are optional: LGBTQ Ally Training, a multipart course dedicated to diversity and inclusion, which
culminates with a certificate, and more.
All university-level training programs offered throughout the year from colleges, campus groups,
Multi-cultural Services, and president’s office, as well as training from Employee and Organizational
Development (human resources certificate program).
“Become Educated About Diversity” workshop (on request for department) Bias and Response Team
Presentations available upon request. “Implicit Bias” Symposium.
Bystander intervention, implicit bias
Campus Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity offers training such as a year-long Equal
Opportunity Institute, National Coalition Building Institute, Affirmative Action in Employment, Title
IX, Unconscious Bias, and many others. The LGBTQ Center offers Project SAFE Ally and Trans 101
workshops the Libraries has hosted these workshops several times. Green Zone training is offered by
the Office of Military and Veterans Services.
Central HR/and GOLD Group
Crucial conversations emotional intelligence sexual harassment prevention
Cultural competency/diversity, sexual harassment, management skills series
disAbility training