82 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
Name of group Composition Role(s) Outcome(s)
Undergraduate &Graduate
Student Advisory Boards
Undergrad board consists of
undergrads at University Park
Campus Grad board consists
of graduate students at
University Park Campus.
Undergraduates provided
input on services offered.
Undergrad Advisory Board
outcome: The Libraries
adjusted service portfolio
accordingly Graduate
Advisory Board outcome: Just
beginning the process.
Undergraduate Student
Government and Graduate
Student Senate
Student government
Source of feedback Suggestions and changes from
a student perspective.
University of Arizona Faculty
Elected members from
each UA college, 20 at
large members, ex officio
voting members including
the President, the Provost,
the Chair of the Faculty, the
Vice Chair of the Faculty,
the Secretary of the Faculty,
the chair of the Strategic
Planning and Budget
Advisory Committee, the
chair of the Undergraduate
Council and the chair of
the Graduate Council, one
member representing the Vice
Presidents and one member
representing the Deans.
The Dean provides annual
updates on the library and
our services. The Dean also
provides and seeks feedback,
as needed, on issues such as
spending reductions/serials
Better understanding among
faculty of changes in services
necessitated by budget cuts or
lack of budget increases.
User Feedback and
Assessment Committee
8 members and 2 co-chairs
comprised of library staff from
across the University Library
Advance the library’s goal of
solidifying a service culture
based on the assessment of
library user needs and desires.
Develop staff training
and resources to support
assessment activities across
the library system track
assessment and other research
efforts underway in the
library advise library staff
and library units who wish to
conduct assessment projects
conduct small- and medium-
scale assessment projects
(e.g., targeted surveys, focus-
groups, other methods) and
implement, evaluate, analyze,
and share findings of large-
scale library-wide assessment
projects (e.g., LibQUAL+®).
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