SPEC Kit 322: Library User Experience · 83
Name of group Composition Role(s) Outcome(s)
Visiting Committee to the
Appointed by the Board of
Trustees of the University
Serve as advisors and act
as advocates for the library
as well as act as liaisons to
university administration.
Received advice and counsel
on programs, collections, and
operations, as well as financial
Other Outreach Activities
30. Please briefly describe examples of new or innovative outreach measures your library has
employed to seek input from existing or potential users relating to library services, resources,
facilities, and/or technology. N=38
At present our methods are fairly standard surveys, suggestion box comments, and informal feedback from
conversations with students in the library and student government feedback that varies with the interests of the SGA
presidents. We also had a major space study done by which involved interaction with focus groups including a student
group. This interaction carried a lot of weight with our Dean and brought about some changes as well as many of the
ideas mentioned previously in this survey. We are exploring social media communications for further outreach.
At the time we created them, many of the methods used in the undergraduate research project were innovative, e.g.,
mapping and photo diaries. These methods have been adopted by dozens of libraries across the country.
Box on website asking for input, Facebook, Twitter.
College and Interdisciplinary Teams (CITs). Reorganized library staff that work with various campus departments and
programs into teams. “Faster” initiative to shorten time from order to desktop. VITL (Visual, Information and Technology
Literacy task force), campus group focusing on broad-based literacy programs.
Conducting faculty lunches through the Center for Teaching Excellence to gather input from faculty. Interacting with
Student Senate for an organized input mechanism from student representatives.
Created a renovation LibGuide that includes a form for sending comments or questions.
Design charettes for planning an undergraduate space. Cafe naming contest. E-ssential online newsletter for faculty.
Facebook. Clickers in instruction to assess learning. LibGuides. Webinars sponsored by Continuous Education that
featured librarians.
Direct feedback from users of our group study rooms, both first-come, first-served and reserveable rooms. The results of
LibQUAL+® and analysis of questions, complaints, and feedback from customers identified access to and use of group
studies to be of particular interest to students. We hope to better understand their experience and needs to inform
potential changes or improvements in the way in which we provide access to these rooms.
During the fall of 2009, student workers in the library surveyed other students about their use of the library. If the
respondents reported using the library, they were asked why they came to the library and what they did in the library. If
the respondents reported not using the library, they were asked why not. The findings informed their development of an
ongoing advertising campaign that includes posters, blog postings, and videos.
Each week, members of the library staff interview Georgia Tech students, faculty, and staff about their research and
library-related issues on a radio show called “Lost in the Stacks.” The User Engagement librarian periodically visits
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