130 · Representative Documents: Facility Design
University of Chicago
Lighting and Laptop Survey
Directions: The chair and table on display here have been selected for the Mansueto Library
Grand Reading Room, and lighting and laptop lock fixtures are now being considered. Please
have a seat and answer the questions below. (Circle your answer where options are provided.)
1. Evaluate the light cast by the horizontal fluorescent bulb. Too dim Good Too bright
2. Do you expect to use a laptop in the Grand Reading Room? Yes No
A. If so, would you use the bar near the outlets to secure your
computer to the table? Yes No
1. If so, is the location of the bar appropriate? Yes No
a. If not, please suggest a better position.
3. Do you have any additional comments? (Use reverse side.)
4. About you: Faculty Grad/prof. student College student
Library staff Other university staff Other:
5. If you would like to be notified about final lighting and laptop decisions, please provide your:
Name E-mail __
Thank you for your participation. Please deposit the completed survey in the box on the table.
The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library
Grand Reading Room
Lighting and Laptop Survey
University of Chicago
Lighting and Laptop Survey
Directions: The chair and table on display here have been selected for the Mansueto Library
Grand Reading Room, and lighting and laptop lock fixtures are now being considered. Please
have a seat and answer the questions below. (Circle your answer where options are provided.)
1. Evaluate the light cast by the horizontal fluorescent bulb. Too dim Good Too bright
2. Do you expect to use a laptop in the Grand Reading Room? Yes No
A. If so, would you use the bar near the outlets to secure your
computer to the table? Yes No
1. If so, is the location of the bar appropriate? Yes No
a. If not, please suggest a better position.
3. Do you have any additional comments? (Use reverse side.)
4. About you: Faculty Grad/prof. student College student
Library staff Other university staff Other:
5. If you would like to be notified about final lighting and laptop decisions, please provide your:
Name E-mail __
Thank you for your participation. Please deposit the completed survey in the box on the table.
The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library
Grand Reading Room
Lighting and Laptop Survey