SPEC Kit 323: Socializing New Hires · 93
York University
Welcome to York Libraries, new hire!
Mailing Lists
Your email account has been included in the following mailing lists:
Library Management Committee -LMC
Library Forum LF
All Staff
YUL listservs (with contact information):
Reference-L: -reference related and general discussion. (Admin: Walter Giesbrecht
walterg@yorku.ca) you have been added to this list.
Web Committee: -used by the committee, but open to other interested parties
(Admin: Bill Denton wdenton@yorku.ca)
Information Literacy Committee: -used by the committee, but open to other
interested parties (Admin: Sophie Bury sbury@yorku.ca)
Librarians’ Group: Librarians only, meets twice quarterly (Admin: Bill Denton
Important Contacts
University Librarian’s Office 416-736-5601 (or x55601)
Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm
Mark Robertson markr@yorku.ca
Associate University Librarian X88869 310 Scott
Issues related to operation of Department and staff
Glenn Cumming gcumming@yorku.ca
Executive Officer X88867 310 Scott
Issues related to Finance, Ereports, Expense accounts, Facilities, Personal
Expense Reimbursement Accounts,
Anita Lee anital@yorku.ca
Administrative Officer X66592 310 Scott
Issues related to Human Resources, YUSA Collective Agreement, non-academic
Library Computing Services
For computing assistance, please contact lcshelp@yorku.ca.
A ticket will be entered and you will be contacted by a technician or appropriate LCS
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