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SUL Mentoring Program
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About the Program
The Library’s Mentoring Program is intended to provide librarians with
guidance and assistance relative to the Library’s promotion process
and professional service and related activities. While librarians receive
direction and support through the annual performance evaluation
process and other interactions with managers and administrators, they
also may wish to avail themselves of the expertise and experience of
their colleagues. The Program is a voluntary, multifaceted team-
based program that allows for both group and individual mentoring.
Who is the Program for?
Librarians new to SUL.
Librarians coming up for promotion.
Librarians seeking professional development advice and opportunities.
How does it work?
The Mentoring Team brings together mentees and mentors based on
areas of need and other factors. They will then meet to discuss the
need and independently determine meeting frequency. In some cases
especially if multiple requests for the same need are expressed,
group meetings may be suggested.
The Mentoring Program is not designed to mediate in supervisory or
other personnel related issues, nor can it answer questions related to
the Librarian’s Manual. It goes without saying that all requests will be
treated with the utmost confidentiality.
To become a Mentor or to seek one, click on the appropriate tab
What will it accomplish?
Facilitate the building of collegial relationships between librarians.
Provide guidance in the promotion process.
Provide guidance in professional development activities such as
presentations, publications, and service to member organizations.
Contact the Team
Jenna Mayotte, 3-9524
Marty Hanson, 3-1947
Fantasia Thorne, 3-9515
Nancy Turner, 3-2237
Peter Verheyen 3-9756
About the Mentoring Team:
The Mentoring Team consists of a
small subgroup of volunteer
mentors that manages the program
under the broad oversight of the
Associate Deans. The Mentoring
Team connects Mentees and
Mentors, sets meeting schedules
and coordinates events (e.g.,
workshops, etc.), communicates
with all librarians about Mentoring
Program activities, and serves as a
liaison between the mentoring team
and the Associate Deans.
As with many new things, terms of
appointment remain to be
determined and we welcome your
input into what will become a
democratic peer-managed process.
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Syracuse University
SUL Mentoring Program: Home
Home -SUL Mentoring Program -Subject Guides at Syracuse University Library
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Library » Subject Guides » SUL Mentoring Program
SUL Mentoring Program
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About the Program
The Library’s Mentoring Program is intended to provide librarians with
guidance and assistance relative to the Library’s promotion process
and professional service and related activities. While librarians receive
direction and support through the annual performance evaluation
process and other interactions with managers and administrators, they
also may wish to avail themselves of the expertise and experience of
their colleagues. The Program is a voluntary, multifaceted team-
based program that allows for both group and individual mentoring.
Who is the Program for?
Librarians new to SUL.
Librarians coming up for promotion.
Librarians seeking professional development advice and opportunities.
How does it work?
The Mentoring Team brings together mentees and mentors based on
areas of need and other factors. They will then meet to discuss the
need and independently determine meeting frequency. In some cases
especially if multiple requests for the same need are expressed,
group meetings may be suggested.
The Mentoring Program is not designed to mediate in supervisory or
other personnel related issues, nor can it answer questions related to
the Librarian’s Manual. It goes without saying that all requests will be
treated with the utmost confidentiality.
To become a Mentor or to seek one, click on the appropriate tab
What will it accomplish?
Facilitate the building of collegial relationships between librarians.
Provide guidance in the promotion process.
Provide guidance in professional development activities such as
presentations, publications, and service to member organizations.
Contact the Team
Jenna Mayotte, 3-9524
Marty Hanson, 3-1947
Fantasia Thorne, 3-9515
Nancy Turner, 3-2237
Peter Verheyen 3-9756
About the Mentoring Team:
The Mentoring Team consists of a
small subgroup of volunteer
mentors that manages the program
under the broad oversight of the
Associate Deans. The Mentoring
Team connects Mentees and
Mentors, sets meeting schedules
and coordinates events (e.g.,
workshops, etc.), communicates
with all librarians about Mentoring
Program activities, and serves as a
liaison between the mentoring team
and the Associate Deans.
As with many new things, terms of
appointment remain to be
determined and we welcome your
input into what will become a
democratic peer-managed process.
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