34 · Survey Results: Survey Questions and Responses
meeting at the beginning of the fall semester to the library school student GA’s. All employees are required to complete
a few training sessions (public service, sexual harassment prevention, computer security awareness) that have been
designed by central HR or other university-level department.
The university’s HR department designs and presents a day-long standardized orientation to all new regular staff to
introduce them to the campus.
University Human Resources, Equality Administration, Faculty Affairs, and the Training &Development office within HR.
Additional Comments
Associate Directors and HR Officer send email announcements. HR Officer designs and presents the first part of the
library orientations (direct supervisor finishes the library orientation). Two separate committees are responsible for other
socialization and mentor activities.
HR/Personnel Officer serves on the Staff Learning &Development Committee. The whole committee is responsible
for designing/coordinating the orientation day program. The HR/Personnel Officer is responsible for designing the
orientation checklist, and the supervisor implements it.
The immediate supervisor primarily coordinates the orientation for all new hires.
Librarians N=45
N Designing
Immediate supervisor 35 6 32
HR/Personnel officer 30 23 26
A library committee 16 13 13
Colleagues of higher rank 15 11 9
Staff Development officer 9 6 7
Other 12 11 9
Please briefly describe the “Other” group or individual and their role.
A departmental training committee.
Associate Dean for Organizational Development designs and coordinates the New Librarians and Library Professionals
Different people offer different guidance. Librarians also coordinate a program of “welcome.”
Faculty Relations UBC Librarians and Archivists Association UBC Financial Services informal forums colleagues –
For non-administrator librarians, who are part of the faculty bargaining unit and who are subject to the faculty-like
processes for contract renewal, promotion, and regular appointment (tenure), the Promotion and Regular Appointments
(PARA) Committee elected by the Academic Assembly of Librarians provides an information session for new librarians
about the PARA processes, timelines, and requirements.
meeting at the beginning of the fall semester to the library school student GA’s. All employees are required to complete
a few training sessions (public service, sexual harassment prevention, computer security awareness) that have been
designed by central HR or other university-level department.
The university’s HR department designs and presents a day-long standardized orientation to all new regular staff to
introduce them to the campus.
University Human Resources, Equality Administration, Faculty Affairs, and the Training &Development office within HR.
Additional Comments
Associate Directors and HR Officer send email announcements. HR Officer designs and presents the first part of the
library orientations (direct supervisor finishes the library orientation). Two separate committees are responsible for other
socialization and mentor activities.
HR/Personnel Officer serves on the Staff Learning &Development Committee. The whole committee is responsible
for designing/coordinating the orientation day program. The HR/Personnel Officer is responsible for designing the
orientation checklist, and the supervisor implements it.
The immediate supervisor primarily coordinates the orientation for all new hires.
Librarians N=45
N Designing
Immediate supervisor 35 6 32
HR/Personnel officer 30 23 26
A library committee 16 13 13
Colleagues of higher rank 15 11 9
Staff Development officer 9 6 7
Other 12 11 9
Please briefly describe the “Other” group or individual and their role.
A departmental training committee.
Associate Dean for Organizational Development designs and coordinates the New Librarians and Library Professionals
Different people offer different guidance. Librarians also coordinate a program of “welcome.”
Faculty Relations UBC Librarians and Archivists Association UBC Financial Services informal forums colleagues –
For non-administrator librarians, who are part of the faculty bargaining unit and who are subject to the faculty-like
processes for contract renewal, promotion, and regular appointment (tenure), the Promotion and Regular Appointments
(PARA) Committee elected by the Academic Assembly of Librarians provides an information session for new librarians
about the PARA processes, timelines, and requirements.