SPEC Kit 323: Socializing New Hires · 25
welcoming new department heads to members of the Department &Council Representatives meeting and at Faculty
Council meetings. New hires are taken around by the supervisor or HR Manager on their first day to meet other
members of the department and other administrators. Email regarding new hires is also sent out to the entire staff by
the supervisor.
We send out an email announcement with a short description of the person, their hobbies, interests, education, etc.
8. In the matrix below, please indicate the types of socialization programs/activities your library
offers for new hires and whether they are targeted to all newly hired paid employees or to specific
categories of staff. Check all that apply. N=56
N All New
Orientation sessions 52 48 4 1
Staff development sessions 38 36 2
Formal mentoring program 28 6 22 2
Other pairing, such as job shadowing, coaching, etc. 22 7 9 3 7
Residency, fellowship, or similar program 7 7
Other activity 20 11 9 1 1
Please briefly describe the “Other activity” targeted to all new hires.
All new hires review workload, responsibilities, work-related expectations and processes they will handle or be involved
in. Work-related expectations vary by classification (type of hire). Librarians often shadow peers to learn “ways”
that this library uses to perform librarian duties. If librarians are Continuing Eligible, there is a guidelines document
distributed. Staff are hired with a six month probationary period, including a three month review and a 5.5 month
Formally introduced by supervisor to library staff at quarterly coffee breaks (2 to 3 minute introduction with info about
work, education, hobbies, etc.)
In addition to attending a quarterly orientation session held for all new employees, each new employee has a specially
tailored orientation program based on their position. All new permanent hires are invited to a university-wide
orientation session coordinated by the HR Division.
Library tours, meeting with all administrative units, lunch with supervisor/co-workers.
Lunch with Executive Group, committee fair.
Meet and greet events, email announcements, announcements during “all-staff” meetings.
Meeting with safety coordinators for the work area.
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