SPEC Kit 323: Socializing New Hires · 111
University of South Carolina
New Employee Orientation Checklist
S ____If Millennium client access is required consult with ILS System Administrator regarding logons.
S ____Inform Director of Administrative Services to have a mentor assigned if new hire is in a tenure-‐track
S ____Consider sending announcement to LINKS with a little more description of the position( if appropriate),
previous work experience, and educational background.
S ____Inform department members when new employee is expected to relocate and begin work.
S ____Prepare work space
___Clean office space and stock with any essential office supplies
___Make a copy of the most recent library roster
___Make arrangements the first week for breaks and lunch.
Assemble written materials to give to the new employee (or if on Libraries webpages or intranet
communicate where materials can be found)
__organizational history
__mission statement
__vision statement
__organizational charts
__employee handbook
__Faculty Manual (university)
__Annual reports
__operations manual
__maps (library locations, campus)
__library publications
__telephone and email directory
__list /directory of key people
__pay schedule (also covered by LHR)
__job description
__training program schedule
S ____Make arrangements for some breaks and lunches the first week
S ____Consider assigning a buddy
S ____When you get new employee’s UserID, you will need to get the Libraries Computing Services to set up a
profile on the computer she/he will be using.
University of South Carolina
New Employee Orientation Checklist
S ____If Millennium client access is required consult with ILS System Administrator regarding logons.
S ____Inform Director of Administrative Services to have a mentor assigned if new hire is in a tenure-‐track
S ____Consider sending announcement to LINKS with a little more description of the position( if appropriate),
previous work experience, and educational background.
S ____Inform department members when new employee is expected to relocate and begin work.
S ____Prepare work space
___Clean office space and stock with any essential office supplies
___Make a copy of the most recent library roster
___Make arrangements the first week for breaks and lunch.
Assemble written materials to give to the new employee (or if on Libraries webpages or intranet
communicate where materials can be found)
__organizational history
__mission statement
__vision statement
__organizational charts
__employee handbook
__Faculty Manual (university)
__Annual reports
__operations manual
__maps (library locations, campus)
__library publications
__telephone and email directory
__list /directory of key people
__pay schedule (also covered by LHR)
__job description
__training program schedule
S ____Make arrangements for some breaks and lunches the first week
S ____Consider assigning a buddy
S ____When you get new employee’s UserID, you will need to get the Libraries Computing Services to set up a
profile on the computer she/he will be using.