90 · Representative Documents: Orientation Programs
York University
Welcome to York Libraries, new hire!
I. Personal Information at Work
Employee ID
Direct Line (voicemail) x temporary password:
Computer Workstation Userid
Password (to be changed immediately upon login)
Email Userid
Email Password (to be changed immediately upon login)
Passport York Account This account is required for online services on and off
campus at York. Send an email to: accounts@yorku.ca and request a Passport York
account. The request must include your full name and your employee number.
FAS Account This account is required to access public workstations on campus. If
you would like one of these accounts, go to Manage My Services: http://mms.yorku.ca,
sign in with your passport York password, and click on FAS -File Access Service on the
left side of the page.
When you use your FAS account to log into a campus computer, you get access to the
software applications specific to that location. For example, a computer in the library
offers different resources from a computer in the Computing Commons.
Library Card At York, we have a multi-purpose YU Card, which serves as your overall
York ID. Visit the YU-card Office to have your photo taken. You will need your York
employee ID number and one piece of valid, government-issued photo identification.
Your photo will be taken and you will receive your YU-card on the spot. To learn more:
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