74 · Representative Documents: Orientation Programs
Library of Congress
Orientation to Library Services for New Staff
Orientation to Library Services for New Staff Unit 5: Checklist of Action Items
Unit 5: Checklist of Action Items
Use this checklist as a record of your personal progress.
AI #Description Date
1-1 Talk to your supervisor to be sure you clearly understand the policies in
your unit relating to duty hours, leave, work schedules, and Telework.
1-2 Review LCR 2015 to make sure you understand the various types of leave.
1-3 Make sure you know your WebTA responsibilities, and those of your
WebTA clerk and approving official.
1-4 Review any Standards of Conduct that might be relevant to you.
1-5 Complete the mandatory IT Security Awareness course.
1-6 Complete the mandatory Ethics Briefing.
1-7 Search the Staff Directory for yourself, your work unit, and 1 classmate.
1-8 Review the CBA that applies to you, and ask your supervisor if anything is
1-9 Read the Employee Emergency Action Guide and your Internal EAP, and
learn your assembly and SIP locations from your colleagues.
2-1 Read the web-documents: “Jefferson’s Legacy” and “On These Walls”.
2-2 Take the Tour – and consider becoming a future docent.
2-3 Learn to effectively navigate the LS web page.
2-4 Learn all you can about your own Directorate, and then about the others.
2-5 Consider conducting an interview for the Veterans History Project.
Access your “My EPP” account, review your latest earnings and leave
statement, and click on “Self Service” to consider making changes (change
withholding? allocate some of your pay to savings accounts? buy bonds?)
2-7 With your supervisor’s approval, complete the classroom course, Federal
Benefits &Financial Planning for New Employees.
2-8 Review the Ergonomic Tips and arrange to make any needed adjustments
to your workstation.
2-9 Complete the searching course most appropriate for your duties.
2-10 Set up a borrower’s account and request an item from the collection
3-1 Create a personal Development Plan in the Online Learning Center
3-2 Consider applying for the Leadership Development Program or Career
Development Program
3-3 Watch at least one webcast from each of these groups: “Webcasts”,
“Journeys and Crossings”, “LCs Digital Future and You!”
3-4 Become active in LCPA or another employee organization
3-5 Develop the routine of studying the web sites of divisions cited in
“Friday’s News”
3-6 Explore myLOC.gov
3-7 Attend the Briefing for staff attending ALA Annual or Midwinter.
COIN Orientation to LS 43 rev. October 2010
Library of Congress
Orientation to Library Services for New Staff
Orientation to Library Services for New Staff Unit 5: Checklist of Action Items
Unit 5: Checklist of Action Items
Use this checklist as a record of your personal progress.
AI #Description Date
1-1 Talk to your supervisor to be sure you clearly understand the policies in
your unit relating to duty hours, leave, work schedules, and Telework.
1-2 Review LCR 2015 to make sure you understand the various types of leave.
1-3 Make sure you know your WebTA responsibilities, and those of your
WebTA clerk and approving official.
1-4 Review any Standards of Conduct that might be relevant to you.
1-5 Complete the mandatory IT Security Awareness course.
1-6 Complete the mandatory Ethics Briefing.
1-7 Search the Staff Directory for yourself, your work unit, and 1 classmate.
1-8 Review the CBA that applies to you, and ask your supervisor if anything is
1-9 Read the Employee Emergency Action Guide and your Internal EAP, and
learn your assembly and SIP locations from your colleagues.
2-1 Read the web-documents: “Jefferson’s Legacy” and “On These Walls”.
2-2 Take the Tour – and consider becoming a future docent.
2-3 Learn to effectively navigate the LS web page.
2-4 Learn all you can about your own Directorate, and then about the others.
2-5 Consider conducting an interview for the Veterans History Project.
Access your “My EPP” account, review your latest earnings and leave
statement, and click on “Self Service” to consider making changes (change
withholding? allocate some of your pay to savings accounts? buy bonds?)
2-7 With your supervisor’s approval, complete the classroom course, Federal
Benefits &Financial Planning for New Employees.
2-8 Review the Ergonomic Tips and arrange to make any needed adjustments
to your workstation.
2-9 Complete the searching course most appropriate for your duties.
2-10 Set up a borrower’s account and request an item from the collection
3-1 Create a personal Development Plan in the Online Learning Center
3-2 Consider applying for the Leadership Development Program or Career
Development Program
3-3 Watch at least one webcast from each of these groups: “Webcasts”,
“Journeys and Crossings”, “LCs Digital Future and You!”
3-4 Become active in LCPA or another employee organization
3-5 Develop the routine of studying the web sites of divisions cited in
“Friday’s News”
3-6 Explore myLOC.gov
3-7 Attend the Briefing for staff attending ALA Annual or Midwinter.
COIN Orientation to LS 43 rev. October 2010