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University of Delaware
Mentoring Program Guidelines and Procedures
University of Delaware Library -UDLAPS Mentoring Guidelines
http://www.lib.udel.edu/udlaps/activities/mentoring.htm[7/14/11 4:13:49 PM]
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Mentoring Program Guidelines and Procedures
Orientation Mentoring Relationship |Promotional Mentoring Relationship |Professional
Mentoring Relationship |Mentoring Program Coordinator Responsibilities
Revision 2009
Background Information
The development of this program was recommended by the Steering Committee of the
University of Delaware Library Assembly of Professional Staff (UDLAPS) in March of 1993,
based on interest from the general membership of UDLAPS. The purpose of the program is to
help provide professionals with peer counselors and role models to supplement the
relationships within reporting lines. Furthermore, the purpose of the mentoring program is to
enhance the professional atmosphere within the library, and to encourage all professionals to
create and participate in career enrichment activities. The program is designed to provide
mentoring opportunities to meet the diverse needs of the various professionals working in
different areas of the University of Delaware Library.
These guidelines are meant to encourage participation in the program, providing activities to
assist participants in meeting their goals. Participation in all types of relationships in the
program is voluntary and may be ended by either party for any reason. Though professionals
are encouraged to become involved as mentees and mentors, they are not required to use the
program. It is hoped, however, that the benefits of mentoring will provide motivation to
prospective participants, and that past successes of the program will stimulate continued
involvement. Mentors serve in an advisory capacity only and the establishment of a mentoring
relationship should not be seen as a guarantee of advancement or career success for either
mentee or mentor.
Types of Mentoring
This program consists of three types of mentoring relationships, each addressing the needs of
professionals at particular stages of their careers. There may be some overlap in the activities
between each of the mentoring relationship types as best fits each individual situation. It is
recognized that each mentoring relationship will be unique. In any type of mentoring
relationship, the purpose of the program is to enhance the relationship between the individual
and the Library, so that both may benefit. Mentors should encourage continued good working
relationships between the mentee and the mentee's supervisor while pursuing their own
relationship with the mentee.
Mentors and mentees should decide at the beginning if they wish to apprise their supervisors
and colleagues of their relationship. They should inform the Mentoring Program Coordinator of
their decision. Personal information shared by participants should be considered confidential,
even if the relationship itself is not confidential.
Orientation- for new professionals or for professionals new to the Library. It includes general
peer training and orientation to the Library, the University, and the local area. A checklist of
recommended activities may be used for guidance. This type of relationship usually represents
a short-term formal relationship with a recommended content, time limit, and specific goals.
Promotion- for established librarian professionals with an interest in career advancement and
promotion. This type of relationship allows for a focused range of activities and specific
requirements for the participants while still allowing a large degree of freedom as to the
activities and goals chosen.
Professional- for professionals wishing to explore professional development activities, seek job
enrichment, achieve the high skills needed for specialty or administrative positions, or to
History &Purpose
Officers &Committee
Getting Involved
The University of Delaware Library
Assembly of Professional Staff
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