SPEC Kit 323: Socializing New Hires · 151
University of Georgia
Training and Development
Libraries Human Resources -Training and Development
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Training and Development
Libraries' Staff Training &Enrichment Program [S.T.E.P.]
The Libraries' Human Resources Department has responsibility for coordinating training and
enrichment for the organization. In that role, the HR staff will work with various
groups/committees, such as the Department Heads Group, Libraries Staff Association,
Professional Development and Research Committee, and individual departments or groups with
special training needs.
S.T.E.P. Mission:
To facilitate a program that enhances organizational effectiveness while promoting individual
career objectives.
S.T.E.P. Objectives:
Create a continuous learning environment
Develop core knowledge and skills
Stimulate communication
Address professional issues
Improve morale and contributes to retention
Foster commitment to the organization
Prepare staff for future challenges in the workplace
Professional Development and Research Committee (PDRC)
The Libraries' Professional Development and Research Committee (PDRC) is charged with fostering professional growth of
the Libraries' faculty through developing and promoting continuing education activities, encouraging and facilitating
participation in local, state, regional, and national organizations and promoting research interests and activities of the
Libraries Faculty. To accomplish these goals, PDRC sponsors programs of interest to the Libraries' faculty and periodically
schedules professional forums, discussions and workshops. PDRC also administers the Libraries' mentoring program. To
learn more about PDRC current programs, please visit: http://www.libs.uga.edu/profdev/.
Libraries' Faculty Independent Professional Activities Policy
Libraries' faculty are encouraged to engage in independent professional activities in addition to their assigned job
responsibilities when the activities increase their professional competence and advance the Libraries' mission. Every faculty
member may use up to five hours per week to pursue independent professional activities. Such release time is considered
part of the faculty member's work week and does not require supervisors' permission. Accumulating and using release time
beyond five hours per week requires supervisors' permission since it may affect the operation of the faculty member's
department. The procedures for taking advantage of this faculty benefit can be viewed at:
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