58 · Representative Documents: Orientation Websites
University of Georgia
New Employee Orientation
Libraries Human Resources -Training and Development -New Employee Orientation
http://www-test.libs.uga.edu/humres/training/newemployee.html[7/14/11 6:25:25 PM]
Libraries Human
Employment Opportunities
Training and Development
-Auditing of Classes by
-Links to Resources
-New Employee
-Training, Conference &
Travel Funding Guidelines
-UGA Tuition Assistance
Staff Resources
Libraries Events Calendar
Athens Information
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© 2007 University of Georgia. All rights reserved.
New Employee Orientation
Orientation provides new employees with an overview of the University's and the
Libraries' culture that assures an understanding of policies and procedures
necessary to function efficiently in the environment. Orientation is addressed at
various levels: Libraries, University and Department.
All newly hired faculty and staff must report to the Libraries' Human Resources
Department at 8:00 a.m. on their first day of employment for Libraries' orientation
(New Employee Orientation), which is designed to:
Supplement the job-related orientation provided by the unit/department
Provide an overview of the Libraries’ organization and it’s culture
Introduce you to key personnel/groups and the roles that they play in the organization
Assure an understanding of policies and procedures necessary to function efficiently.
At that time they will also complete the online Form I-9, Employment Eligibility
Verification, E-Verify, and review the information in the New Employee Orientation
presentation and checklist. The checklist may be accessed online so that you
may read further about the policies, benefits and services available to you as a University of Georgia
All newly hired employees (faculty, staff, temporary, and student workers) should also complete the
University of Georgia's online orientation on their first day of employment. All of the necessary
employment forms and policy information, a benefits overview, and basic Right to Know information are
contained in the orientation session. After completing the online orientation, please bring all of the
completed forms to the Libraries' Human Resources Department, so that your employment paperwork can
be finalized and submitted to the appropriate UGA department.
Should you need specific information about your individual benefits profile, you are encouraged to attend
a Q &A session held the first and third Monday of each month from 9:00 -10:30 a.m. by the University's
Employee Benefits Department. These sessions are held in the Employee Training &Development
Center located on Mitchell Street.
In addition, programs are being planned that reacquaint staff on a continuous basis with the workplace by
providing practical information sessions on topics that directly impact work performance and related
home human resources training and development new employee orientation
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SEARCH: Libraries' Web Site
University of Georgia
New Employee Orientation
Libraries Human Resources -Training and Development -New Employee Orientation
http://www-test.libs.uga.edu/humres/training/newemployee.html[7/14/11 6:25:25 PM]
Libraries Human
Employment Opportunities
Training and Development
-Auditing of Classes by
-Links to Resources
-New Employee
-Training, Conference &
Travel Funding Guidelines
-UGA Tuition Assistance
Staff Resources
Libraries Events Calendar
Athens Information
Last Updated: NaN/NaN/NaN
Send us your comments about this site
© 2007 University of Georgia. All rights reserved.
New Employee Orientation
Orientation provides new employees with an overview of the University's and the
Libraries' culture that assures an understanding of policies and procedures
necessary to function efficiently in the environment. Orientation is addressed at
various levels: Libraries, University and Department.
All newly hired faculty and staff must report to the Libraries' Human Resources
Department at 8:00 a.m. on their first day of employment for Libraries' orientation
(New Employee Orientation), which is designed to:
Supplement the job-related orientation provided by the unit/department
Provide an overview of the Libraries’ organization and it’s culture
Introduce you to key personnel/groups and the roles that they play in the organization
Assure an understanding of policies and procedures necessary to function efficiently.
At that time they will also complete the online Form I-9, Employment Eligibility
Verification, E-Verify, and review the information in the New Employee Orientation
presentation and checklist. The checklist may be accessed online so that you
may read further about the policies, benefits and services available to you as a University of Georgia
All newly hired employees (faculty, staff, temporary, and student workers) should also complete the
University of Georgia's online orientation on their first day of employment. All of the necessary
employment forms and policy information, a benefits overview, and basic Right to Know information are
contained in the orientation session. After completing the online orientation, please bring all of the
completed forms to the Libraries' Human Resources Department, so that your employment paperwork can
be finalized and submitted to the appropriate UGA department.
Should you need specific information about your individual benefits profile, you are encouraged to attend
a Q &A session held the first and third Monday of each month from 9:00 -10:30 a.m. by the University's
Employee Benefits Department. These sessions are held in the Employee Training &Development
Center located on Mitchell Street.
In addition, programs are being planned that reacquaint staff on a continuous basis with the workplace by
providing practical information sessions on topics that directly impact work performance and related
home human resources training and development new employee orientation
home |sitemap| quicklinks University of Georgia Libraries
SEARCH: Libraries' Web Site