134 · Representative Documents: Mentoring/Peer Socializing Programs
Syracuse University
SUL Mentoring Program: Mentee Information Survey
Syracuse University Library Mentoring Program -Mentee Information Survey
http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=TUV0YH39Wlr4KByo7hhikg_3d_3d[7/14/11 4:30:27 PM]
Syracuse University Library Mentoring Program -Mentee Information Exit this survey
Please answer all questions. Thank you!
1. Date
2. Contact Information
E-mail Address:
Phone Number:
3. What is your current position at the Library?
4. How many years have you worked at SUL?
5. How many years have you been in the profession?
6. I would like to be paired with a mentor who can (check all that apply):
7. My mentee goals are:
8. Is there anything else that might help us match you successfully with a mentor?
provide informal introduction to SUL
provide publishing and presentation advice
help me network in the library
help me network in the profession
provide career progression or promotion advice
Other (please specify)
Syracuse University Library Mentoring Program -Mentee Information Survey
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