102 · Representative Documents: Orientation/Socialization Checklists
University of Georgia
University of Georgia Libraries New Employee Checklist
University of Georgia Libraries New Employee Checklist
Human Resources Department (rev. 08/10)
Name: Start Date:
Title: Supervisor:
Department: Classification/Rank:
I. Payroll/Benefits Information
1st paycheck – – During your UGA online orientation you will have an opportunity to fill out a Direct Deposit form.
To view electronic check stub go to the University's Self Service Website -https://employee.uga.edu/FacStaff/index.jsp
Benefits can be effective on your start date, anytime between your start date and the end of the month, or the first day of month
following your start date. Q &A Benefits Information Session (1st &3rd Mondays, 9:00-10:30 a.m. @UGA HR, Training &
Development) Enroll online using HR Connection Guidelines for New Employees: http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/hrc_user_guide.pdf
COBRA -http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/cobra.html
Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) www.trsga.com – Participating mandatory. You will receive a welcome letter from
TRS with instructions to visit the TRS website to create a user account where you may designate beneficiaries, update personal
information, and check account balances.
Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/bensumm/orp.html (Faculty, key administrators and newly-hired
exempt benefit-eligible staff have the opportunity to make a one-time irrevocable decision to participate in an ORP in lieu of the TRS. This
decision must be made within 60 days following employment.)
II. The Basics
Establish UGA MyID account &create an Email Account https://myid.uga.edu/ Register for UGA Alert http://ugaalert.uga.edu
Registering preferred e-mail account for official UGA communications www.emailinfo.uga.edu
GRAPEVINE Posting Policy (Libraries’ listserv) http://www.libs.uga.edu/staff/grapevine.html
Guidelines Register for Online Calendar Account www.uga.edu/eits/calendar Parking procedures www.parking.uga.edu
III. Schedule and Leave
Work Schedule www.libs.uga.edu/staff/worksched.html University Holidays www.uga.edu/news/holidays/
Sick &Annual leave accrual/usage http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/bensumm/paid_summ.html
Other Leave http://askuga.uga.edu/default.asp?id=961&SID=&Lang=1
IV. Services and Fringe Benefits
Staff Borrowing Privileges http://www.libs.uga.edu/access_services/borrowing/staff.html
Training &Development: http://www.libs.uga.edu/humres/training/index.html
UGA Campus Transit www.busfin.uga.edu/transit/ Athens Transit www.athenstransit.com
UGA Extras http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/uga_extras.html
Ramsey Student Center http://www.recsports.uga.edu/rec_template_1.php?page_ID=1143842393
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) http://www.reg.uga.edu/or.nsf/preview/(TAP)%20Homepage
• Contact the UGA TAP Coordinator if you have questions: Jack Pannecoucke, Tel: (706) 542-9362, Email: jep@uga.edu
V. About the Libraries
Mission Statement http://www.libs.uga.edu/staff/missionstate.html Facilities: http://www.libs.uga.edu/libinfo.html
Special Collections: http://www.libs.uga.edu/special_collections/index.shtml
Libraries Departments: http://www.libs.uga.edu/admin/depthead.html Use of Libraries Logo http://www.libs.uga.edu/logos/
Libraries Blog http://www.libs.uga.edu/blog/ Personnel News http://www.libs.uga.edu/humres/persnews/persnews.html
Staff Recognition //ASSET Awards http://www.libs.uga.edu/asset/index.html
University Librarian and Associate Provost: Dr. William Gray Potter http://www.libs.uga.edu/admin/index.html
University of Georgia
University of Georgia Libraries New Employee Checklist
University of Georgia Libraries New Employee Checklist
Human Resources Department (rev. 08/10)
Name: Start Date:
Title: Supervisor:
Department: Classification/Rank:
I. Payroll/Benefits Information
1st paycheck – – During your UGA online orientation you will have an opportunity to fill out a Direct Deposit form.
To view electronic check stub go to the University's Self Service Website -https://employee.uga.edu/FacStaff/index.jsp
Benefits can be effective on your start date, anytime between your start date and the end of the month, or the first day of month
following your start date. Q &A Benefits Information Session (1st &3rd Mondays, 9:00-10:30 a.m. @UGA HR, Training &
Development) Enroll online using HR Connection Guidelines for New Employees: http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/hrc_user_guide.pdf
COBRA -http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/cobra.html
Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) www.trsga.com – Participating mandatory. You will receive a welcome letter from
TRS with instructions to visit the TRS website to create a user account where you may designate beneficiaries, update personal
information, and check account balances.
Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/bensumm/orp.html (Faculty, key administrators and newly-hired
exempt benefit-eligible staff have the opportunity to make a one-time irrevocable decision to participate in an ORP in lieu of the TRS. This
decision must be made within 60 days following employment.)
II. The Basics
Establish UGA MyID account &create an Email Account https://myid.uga.edu/ Register for UGA Alert http://ugaalert.uga.edu
Registering preferred e-mail account for official UGA communications www.emailinfo.uga.edu
GRAPEVINE Posting Policy (Libraries’ listserv) http://www.libs.uga.edu/staff/grapevine.html
Guidelines Register for Online Calendar Account www.uga.edu/eits/calendar Parking procedures www.parking.uga.edu
III. Schedule and Leave
Work Schedule www.libs.uga.edu/staff/worksched.html University Holidays www.uga.edu/news/holidays/
Sick &Annual leave accrual/usage http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/bensumm/paid_summ.html
Other Leave http://askuga.uga.edu/default.asp?id=961&SID=&Lang=1
IV. Services and Fringe Benefits
Staff Borrowing Privileges http://www.libs.uga.edu/access_services/borrowing/staff.html
Training &Development: http://www.libs.uga.edu/humres/training/index.html
UGA Campus Transit www.busfin.uga.edu/transit/ Athens Transit www.athenstransit.com
UGA Extras http://www.hr.uga.edu/benefits/uga_extras.html
Ramsey Student Center http://www.recsports.uga.edu/rec_template_1.php?page_ID=1143842393
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) http://www.reg.uga.edu/or.nsf/preview/(TAP)%20Homepage
• Contact the UGA TAP Coordinator if you have questions: Jack Pannecoucke, Tel: (706) 542-9362, Email: jep@uga.edu
V. About the Libraries
Mission Statement http://www.libs.uga.edu/staff/missionstate.html Facilities: http://www.libs.uga.edu/libinfo.html
Special Collections: http://www.libs.uga.edu/special_collections/index.shtml
Libraries Departments: http://www.libs.uga.edu/admin/depthead.html Use of Libraries Logo http://www.libs.uga.edu/logos/
Libraries Blog http://www.libs.uga.edu/blog/ Personnel News http://www.libs.uga.edu/humres/persnews/persnews.html
Staff Recognition //ASSET Awards http://www.libs.uga.edu/asset/index.html
University Librarian and Associate Provost: Dr. William Gray Potter http://www.libs.uga.edu/admin/index.html