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Syracuse University
SUL Mentoring Program: Become a Mentee
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SUL Mentoring Program
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Copyright ©2011 Syracuse University Library. All Rights Reserved.
Request a Mentor
To request a mentor, click
here to enter your
information in the form.
Become a Mentee
Syracuse University Library has a strong interest in seeing that each
librarian realizes his/her full potential. We want to support and
advance all librarians, both in his/her own interest as well as in the
Library community.
Although all librarians have responsibility for their own growth and
success, having a mentor offers an avenue to become acclimated
more quickly to the SUL environment. The effectiveness of having a
mentoring relationship depends on the active participation of the
mentee as well as the mentor.
Benefits for a librarian in having a mentor:
Expand your view of the Library and University
Increase awareness about other areas of the Library
Understand how to build a network within the University community
and the profession
Expand growth in your sense of competence, identity, and
effectiveness as a professional
Provide an outlet to discuss concerns
Receive honest and informal feedback
Receive advice on how to balance your work life
Obtain knowledge of skills for showcasing one's own work
Provide a perspective on long-term career planning
Mentee responsibilities:
Meet regularly with the mentor
Maintain confidentiality
Keep yourself informed in regard to the requirements for tenure and
promotion and your progress toward meeting those requirements
Ask for and give feedback
Follow through on referrals from mentor to appropriate office for
specific information
Listen actively
Ask your mentor for guidance and assistance whenever it is needed
Present needs in an articulate way
Contact the Team
Jenna Mayotte, 3-9524
Marty Hanson, 3-1947
Fantasia Thorne, 3-9515
Nancy Turner, 3-2237
Peter Verheyen 3-9756
About the Mentoring Team:
The Mentoring Team consists of a
small subgroup of volunteer
mentors that manages the program
under the broad oversight of the
Associate Deans. The Mentoring
Team connects Mentees and
Mentors, sets meeting schedules
and coordinates events (e.g.,
workshops, etc.), communicates
with all librarians about Mentoring
Program activities, and serves as a
liaison between the mentoring team
and the Associate Deans.
As with many new things, terms of
appointment remain to be
determined and we welcome your
input into what will become a
democratic peer-managed process.
Syracuse University
SUL Mentoring Program: Become a Mentee
Become a Mentee -SUL Mentoring Program -Subject Guides at Syracuse University Library
http://researchguides.library.syr.edu/content.php?pid=69830&sid=516878[7/14/11 4:29:01 PM]
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Library » Subject Guides » SUL Mentoring Program
SUL Mentoring Program
Powered by Springshare All rights reserved. Report a tech support issue.
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Copyright ©2011 Syracuse University Library. All Rights Reserved.
Request a Mentor
To request a mentor, click
here to enter your
information in the form.
Become a Mentee
Syracuse University Library has a strong interest in seeing that each
librarian realizes his/her full potential. We want to support and
advance all librarians, both in his/her own interest as well as in the
Library community.
Although all librarians have responsibility for their own growth and
success, having a mentor offers an avenue to become acclimated
more quickly to the SUL environment. The effectiveness of having a
mentoring relationship depends on the active participation of the
mentee as well as the mentor.
Benefits for a librarian in having a mentor:
Expand your view of the Library and University
Increase awareness about other areas of the Library
Understand how to build a network within the University community
and the profession
Expand growth in your sense of competence, identity, and
effectiveness as a professional
Provide an outlet to discuss concerns
Receive honest and informal feedback
Receive advice on how to balance your work life
Obtain knowledge of skills for showcasing one's own work
Provide a perspective on long-term career planning
Mentee responsibilities:
Meet regularly with the mentor
Maintain confidentiality
Keep yourself informed in regard to the requirements for tenure and
promotion and your progress toward meeting those requirements
Ask for and give feedback
Follow through on referrals from mentor to appropriate office for
specific information
Listen actively
Ask your mentor for guidance and assistance whenever it is needed
Present needs in an articulate way
Contact the Team
Jenna Mayotte, 3-9524
Marty Hanson, 3-1947
Fantasia Thorne, 3-9515
Nancy Turner, 3-2237
Peter Verheyen 3-9756
About the Mentoring Team:
The Mentoring Team consists of a
small subgroup of volunteer
mentors that manages the program
under the broad oversight of the
Associate Deans. The Mentoring
Team connects Mentees and
Mentors, sets meeting schedules
and coordinates events (e.g.,
workshops, etc.), communicates
with all librarians about Mentoring
Program activities, and serves as a
liaison between the mentoring team
and the Associate Deans.
As with many new things, terms of
appointment remain to be
determined and we welcome your
input into what will become a
democratic peer-managed process.