Remote Shelving Services · 83
University of Pennsylvania
09/22/2006 04:19 PM Using the Collections at High Density Storage
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Non-borrowers may not use the "Place Requests" feature but instead need to use either the
Storage -Request Article Retrieval form or the Storage -Request Book/Recording/Video
Retrieval form on the Library Forms Web Page, or fill out a paper request form at any
Library circulation desk. Paper requests will be faxed to High Density Storage, while
electronic forms will be sent automatically.
Article Delivery and Photocopy Services
Users may request individual articles rather than delivery of journal volumes. If you provide
complete citation information, you will receive, at no cost to you, electronic delivery of the
articles up to 50 pages in length. If you prefer, a hard copy can be delivered to the library
pickup location of your choice. Persons who are not authorized to borrow Penn materials
will receive hard copies only.
Reading Room
Although the Storage Facility is not a browsable collection, it
does accommodate users who need access to long runs of
serials or a large number of books. The Facility has a reading
room and photocopier available for onsite consultation of
materials. The reading room is available Monday through Friday
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Due to staffing constraints we ask
patrons to call in advance so that the Storage staff can retrieve
materials and have them ready for use.
Services to Patrons with Disabilities
The Map/Reading Room is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Material
can be delivered to the Van Pelt Library and used with available adaptive equipment
and software.
Last update: Wednesday, 22-Mar-2006 11:35:00 EST
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