Remote Shelving Services · 127
University of Minnesota
3.3.1 Reading Room Use: All library users may use the reading room for any materials.
3.3.2 Stack Access: There will be no stack access to the materials in storage. (During the interim caused by
the Walter Library renovation, access to the Science/Engineering collection will be governed by
different guidelines for University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus faculty, staff, and students.)
3.3.3 Lending: a) All University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and students may check items out with a valid
borrowing card.
b) Non-University of Minnesota patrons who visit the reading room in person may obtain materials
stored in MLAC by requesting items through their local library’s procedures for seeking interlibrary
loans through MINITEX, or they may charge materials out directly from MLAC by using their local
library card and other identification
3.3.4 Loan Periods: There are two circulation loan categories:
a) on-site use only” for periodicals and other designated items (for items to be used in Andersen
b) six weeks patron loan.
3.3.5 Photocopy: There will be a coin-operated photocopy machine available, which also will use a standard
U of MN library copy card.
3.4 Off-Site Services
3.4.1 a) Written Requests: All University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus faculty, staff, and students
shall be authorized to send written requests to MLAC via email or fax to have items sent to U of MN
Twin Cities campus libraries.
b) Users of other Minnesota libraries may request materials through their local library’s regular
procedures for seeking interlibrary loans through MINITEX.
3.4.2 Loan Periods: There are two circulation loan categories:
a) in-library use only” for six weeks (for items to be used within the requesting library)
b) six weeks patron loan.
The depositing library will choose between these two loan categories.
Since periodical issues do not circulate, access to these items will be in the form of copies of requested
3.4.3 Periodicals: Requested articles will be photocopied or scanned and will be distributed using the
MINITEX Delivery System. This System includes using fax, Ariel, and ground transportation.
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