76 · SPEC Kit 295
University of Alabama
09/22/2006 04:18 PM University of Alabama Libraries,Annex Service Policy
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Library Annex Service Policy
A1. Requests for materials may be made via the Libraries' Catalog [http://library.ua.edu/].
A2. Articles from periodicals will be provided in the manner preferred by the requestor. Options
include email, PDF, fax, or the original in the bound volume.
A3. Items identified in the Libraries' catalog as circulating may be borrowed from the Annex
and checked out according to University Libraries' Circulation Policies.
A4. Items identified in the Libraries' catalog as non-circulating may not be checked out to
patrons. However, they may be retrieved from the Annex and used in a library on campus.
A5. Items are retrieved from the Annex twice a day Monday through Friday. Items are not
retrieved on weekends or University holidays.
A6. If an item request is received before 10 a.m. Monday through Friday, the item will be
available at 1 p.m. the same day at the University Libraries location selected by the user. If an
item request is received before 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, the item will be available at
4:45 p.m. the same day at the University Libraries location selected by the user. If an item
request is received after 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday, the item will be available at 1 p.m.
the next day at the University Libraries location selected by the user. If an item request is
received after 2 p.m. Friday, the item will be available at 1 p.m. the following Monday at the
University Libraries location selected by the user. Items not picked up within 10 days will be
returned to the Annex.
A7. The Annex is not open to the public. In special circumstances, permission for researchers
to use library collections in the Annex workroom may be requested by contacting the Head of
the Circulation Department: Janice Simpson, 348-8169, jsimpson@bama.ua.edu.
A8. An item housed in the Annex may be sent to another institution's library for Interlibrary
Loan if that item would normally be available for that purpose.
A9. The Gorgas Library Circulation Department is responsible for the maintenance and
operation of the Annex, including retrieving and reshelving materials.
A10. For safety and security reasons, staff access to library collections in the Annex shelving
area is limited to designated library employees as approved by the Head of Circulation
B1. Materials placed in University Records remain the property of the originating department.
Hence, the originating department may borrow only its own files from the Annex.
B2. University Records materials that are restricted for whatever reason or materials for which
the requestor does not have authorized access may not be borrowed.
B3. University Records are generally retrieved on Tuesday morning and Thursday morning. Top
priority requests are retrieved on demand.
B4. Requests for University Records are made to University Archives and Records Management
personnel, via fax, phone, or email.
Institutional Records Analyst, Tom Land, phone 348-0502, e-mail tland@bama.ua.edu,
fax 348-1699.
Institutional Records Assistant, Kevin Ray, phone 348-0503, e-mail kray@bama.ua.edu,
University of Alabama
09/22/2006 04:18 PM University of Alabama Libraries,Annex Service Policy
Page 1 of 2 http://www.lib.ua.edu/policies/servpol.htm
Ask-A-Librarian |View Your Account
Library Annex Service Policy
A1. Requests for materials may be made via the Libraries' Catalog [http://library.ua.edu/].
A2. Articles from periodicals will be provided in the manner preferred by the requestor. Options
include email, PDF, fax, or the original in the bound volume.
A3. Items identified in the Libraries' catalog as circulating may be borrowed from the Annex
and checked out according to University Libraries' Circulation Policies.
A4. Items identified in the Libraries' catalog as non-circulating may not be checked out to
patrons. However, they may be retrieved from the Annex and used in a library on campus.
A5. Items are retrieved from the Annex twice a day Monday through Friday. Items are not
retrieved on weekends or University holidays.
A6. If an item request is received before 10 a.m. Monday through Friday, the item will be
available at 1 p.m. the same day at the University Libraries location selected by the user. If an
item request is received before 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, the item will be available at
4:45 p.m. the same day at the University Libraries location selected by the user. If an item
request is received after 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday, the item will be available at 1 p.m.
the next day at the University Libraries location selected by the user. If an item request is
received after 2 p.m. Friday, the item will be available at 1 p.m. the following Monday at the
University Libraries location selected by the user. Items not picked up within 10 days will be
returned to the Annex.
A7. The Annex is not open to the public. In special circumstances, permission for researchers
to use library collections in the Annex workroom may be requested by contacting the Head of
the Circulation Department: Janice Simpson, 348-8169, jsimpson@bama.ua.edu.
A8. An item housed in the Annex may be sent to another institution's library for Interlibrary
Loan if that item would normally be available for that purpose.
A9. The Gorgas Library Circulation Department is responsible for the maintenance and
operation of the Annex, including retrieving and reshelving materials.
A10. For safety and security reasons, staff access to library collections in the Annex shelving
area is limited to designated library employees as approved by the Head of Circulation
B1. Materials placed in University Records remain the property of the originating department.
Hence, the originating department may borrow only its own files from the Annex.
B2. University Records materials that are restricted for whatever reason or materials for which
the requestor does not have authorized access may not be borrowed.
B3. University Records are generally retrieved on Tuesday morning and Thursday morning. Top
priority requests are retrieved on demand.
B4. Requests for University Records are made to University Archives and Records Management
personnel, via fax, phone, or email.
Institutional Records Analyst, Tom Land, phone 348-0502, e-mail tland@bama.ua.edu,
fax 348-1699.
Institutional Records Assistant, Kevin Ray, phone 348-0503, e-mail kray@bama.ua.edu,