18 · SPEC Kit 295
1. Does your library currently use a remote shelving facility (either on or off-campus) to house
parts of its collection? N=85
Yes 60 71% Please complete the survey.
No, but planning for one is underway 8 9% Please answer applicable questions.
No 17 20% Please skip to question 21.
2. To how many remote shelving facilities does your library send material? N=63
Is space in any of the facilities shared with libraries from other institutions? N=63
Yes 23 37%
No 40 63%
Please list the name(s) of up to three of the facilities and indicate whether each one is a shared
facility and whether each is owned and/or managed by your institution, by a consortium to
which your library belongs, by a university/library system (such as the University of California
regional library facilities), or another entity. N=63
4 1
1 2 3 4
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