Remote Shelving Services · 29
requesting materials. Plus, it’s not really remote—only about 6 blocks from the Main Library.”
“We will indicate in OPAC display that material is in storage (with location code) and a note on how to
retrieve material, etc.”
7. Has the library added any bibliographic or cataloging enhancements for materials placed in the
remote shelving facility, such as tables of contents or indexes, links to images of the material,
etc.? N=62
Yes 10 16%
No 52 84%
If yes, please describe the enhancement.
Selected Comments from Respondents
“All items have full bibliographic records. We are adding TOC and sample images for atlases as our
contribution to the RichCat Project (joint project with Haverford College, Emory, Library of Congress).”
“Detailed finding aids for manuscript collections, some with links to images of material.”
“For select sets of items, additional descriptive cataloging and in some cases contents.”
“Information has been provided in selected instances for journals with highly complex enumeration of
subparts, for example: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (see”
“Link to finding aids for archival boxes.”
“Request form which auto-fills with item information and includes information on how they will be able to
pick up and use item when retrieved.”
“Some links to scanned tables of contents.”
“Tables of Contents.”
“While no special project has been undertaken to enhance records for material in storage, some new
acquisitions cataloged and sent directly into storage collection may have links to table of contents or cover
“While not in the library catalog, an extensive set of Web pages is being constructed for pre-1976 US
Government Documents.”
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