Remote Shelving Services · 121
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
09/22/2006 04:30 PM Oak Street Library FacilityInformation for Library Staff
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boxes, item records should only be created at the box level, not for individual folders.
Use the public note field available in the Voyager MFHD record to read something like "Please consult staff in the Illinois HIstorical Survey
Library to request material." This should help dissuade users from placing OPAC requests themselves.
Make sure you have assigned the appropriate special Voyager location code for your unit. These serve two purposes. Along with the
public note field in the MFHD record, they help to direct the OPAC user to your unit for assistance in requesting the material (e.g., making
sure the box being requested has the material they are looking for.) Secondly these special codes provide an additional prompt for OSLF
staff as they ar printing out their callslips that the material requires special handling/use procedures to be followed. Currently, the following
special codes have already been created:
rbos (staff client name: Rare Bk Oak St[req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the Rare Book and Manuscripts
Library that must be used onsite in the Rare Book and Manuscripts Library. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF
Materials That Can Only Be Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
uaos (staff client name: Archives Oak St[req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the University Archives that
must be used onsite in the University Archives. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be
Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
ihos (staff client name: Il H Srvy Oak St[reqonly]) Can be used only for items sent by the Illinois Historical Survey that
must be used onsite in theIllinois Historical Survey. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be
Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
uasos (staff client name: ArchivesSousaOakSt [reqonl]) Can be used only for items sent by the Sousa Archives that
must be used onsite in theSousa Archives. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be Used
Onsite in the Sending Library below.
neos (staff name: Newspaper Oak St [req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the History, Philosophy, and
Newspaper Library that must be used onsite in that library. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can
Only Be Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
spos (staff name: Slavic Oak St [req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the Slavic Library that must be used
onsite in the Slavic Library. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be Used Onsite in the
Sending Library below.
maos (staff client name: Map/Geo Oak St [req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the Map and Geography
Library that must be used onsite in that library. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be
Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
muos (staff client name: Music Oak St [req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the Music Library that must be
used onsite in the Music Library. See "Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be Used Onsite in
the Sending Library" below.
Item type --Always assign the BOOK 16/4 LOCAL REQUEST or SER 2WK/BUO LOCAL REQUEST item type. The LOCAL REQUEST
item types prevent users from other CARLI schools from requesting these items. Do not assign BOOK2 or SER2 as these item types do not
prevent requests from CARLI users and will also start producing overdue notices to the patron after 16 hours and fining them $5/day. More
often than not, the user will be consulting the material in your unit over a period of days, perhaps even a week or two if they are using
archival materials. The BOOK 16/4 LOCAL REQUEST and SER 2WK/BUO LOCAL REQUEST item types will not produce overdue notices
until 36 days after the date on which you charge out the box to the user (recommended for your internal tracking purposes).
Assign "in process" status to the item record in Voyager. This will prevent the item from being selected to fill a request until it has been
accessioned at the OSLF (at which point this status will be cleared).
Physical preparation
Each archival box should be barcoded on the outside. Wrapped newspapers should also be barcoded on the outside.
Item should be stamped "Building Use Only at Illinois Historical Survey (Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University Archives, etc.) "or
have a label with that information written on it.
All items MUST be accompanied by a streamer produced from the Oak Street Transfers Program at Any pieces received at the OSLF without this streamer will be returned to
the sending library. See complete information under Updating Voyager Records section above.
Unit's internal records (in-house or web inventories) for boxed archival materials should associate individual items/folders with the appropriate
box number or item barcode.
Mediated request process
The OPAC record directs user to your unit for assistance OPAC requesting for users cannot be disabled, but the location name and public
note in the MFHD should dissuade most users from doing this. The LOCAL REQUEST item type prevents patrons from other CARLI
schools from requesting these items. While Voyager cannot control the pick-up location selected by the user, Oak Street staff will ALWAYS
ignore the requested pickup location and deliver these materials directly to your library for on-site use by the patron.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
09/22/2006 04:30 PM Oak Street Library FacilityInformation for Library Staff
Page 5 of 7
boxes, item records should only be created at the box level, not for individual folders.
Use the public note field available in the Voyager MFHD record to read something like "Please consult staff in the Illinois HIstorical Survey
Library to request material." This should help dissuade users from placing OPAC requests themselves.
Make sure you have assigned the appropriate special Voyager location code for your unit. These serve two purposes. Along with the
public note field in the MFHD record, they help to direct the OPAC user to your unit for assistance in requesting the material (e.g., making
sure the box being requested has the material they are looking for.) Secondly these special codes provide an additional prompt for OSLF
staff as they ar printing out their callslips that the material requires special handling/use procedures to be followed. Currently, the following
special codes have already been created:
rbos (staff client name: Rare Bk Oak St[req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the Rare Book and Manuscripts
Library that must be used onsite in the Rare Book and Manuscripts Library. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF
Materials That Can Only Be Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
uaos (staff client name: Archives Oak St[req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the University Archives that
must be used onsite in the University Archives. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be
Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
ihos (staff client name: Il H Srvy Oak St[reqonly]) Can be used only for items sent by the Illinois Historical Survey that
must be used onsite in theIllinois Historical Survey. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be
Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
uasos (staff client name: ArchivesSousaOakSt [reqonl]) Can be used only for items sent by the Sousa Archives that
must be used onsite in theSousa Archives. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be Used
Onsite in the Sending Library below.
neos (staff name: Newspaper Oak St [req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the History, Philosophy, and
Newspaper Library that must be used onsite in that library. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can
Only Be Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
spos (staff name: Slavic Oak St [req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the Slavic Library that must be used
onsite in the Slavic Library. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be Used Onsite in the
Sending Library below.
maos (staff client name: Map/Geo Oak St [req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the Map and Geography
Library that must be used onsite in that library. See Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be
Used Onsite in the Sending Library below.
muos (staff client name: Music Oak St [req only]) Can be used only for items sent by the Music Library that must be
used onsite in the Music Library. See "Guidelines for Sending to the OSLF Materials That Can Only Be Used Onsite in
the Sending Library" below.
Item type --Always assign the BOOK 16/4 LOCAL REQUEST or SER 2WK/BUO LOCAL REQUEST item type. The LOCAL REQUEST
item types prevent users from other CARLI schools from requesting these items. Do not assign BOOK2 or SER2 as these item types do not
prevent requests from CARLI users and will also start producing overdue notices to the patron after 16 hours and fining them $5/day. More
often than not, the user will be consulting the material in your unit over a period of days, perhaps even a week or two if they are using
archival materials. The BOOK 16/4 LOCAL REQUEST and SER 2WK/BUO LOCAL REQUEST item types will not produce overdue notices
until 36 days after the date on which you charge out the box to the user (recommended for your internal tracking purposes).
Assign "in process" status to the item record in Voyager. This will prevent the item from being selected to fill a request until it has been
accessioned at the OSLF (at which point this status will be cleared).
Physical preparation
Each archival box should be barcoded on the outside. Wrapped newspapers should also be barcoded on the outside.
Item should be stamped "Building Use Only at Illinois Historical Survey (Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University Archives, etc.) "or
have a label with that information written on it.
All items MUST be accompanied by a streamer produced from the Oak Street Transfers Program at Any pieces received at the OSLF without this streamer will be returned to
the sending library. See complete information under Updating Voyager Records section above.
Unit's internal records (in-house or web inventories) for boxed archival materials should associate individual items/folders with the appropriate
box number or item barcode.
Mediated request process
The OPAC record directs user to your unit for assistance OPAC requesting for users cannot be disabled, but the location name and public
note in the MFHD should dissuade most users from doing this. The LOCAL REQUEST item type prevents patrons from other CARLI
schools from requesting these items. While Voyager cannot control the pick-up location selected by the user, Oak Street staff will ALWAYS
ignore the requested pickup location and deliver these materials directly to your library for on-site use by the patron.