68 · SPEC Kit 295
University of Kentucky
09/22/2006 04:16 PM Storage Facilities -UK Libraries
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Because the University of Kentucky Libraries' collections have outgrown the space available in its campus libraries, the Libraries utilizes space in two
storage facilities, one located on the Lexington campus and the other located off campus. Lesser-used monographs, older journal runs, some
materials managed by the University Archives &Records Program and some materials held by the Libraries' Special Collections are among the
materials housed in storage.
Electronic Availability
Some of the materials in storage are also available electronically. Check the Libraries' E-Journals Database for information on electronic availability
and connectivity.
On Campus Storage
Library materials stored on campus are located in closed stacks within the King Library Addition. Cataloged items that are stored at this location
appear in the Libraries' online catalog, InfoKat, with the location designated as 'King Storage Retrieval'. Requests for items stored in the King Building
may be made in person at the International Documents and Research Collections service desk, room 310E, King Building during regular library hours,
or requests may be submitted electronically any time using the Storage Retrieval Form.
Off Campus Storage
Library materials stored off campus are housed in a commercial storage facility owned by Kentucky Underground Storage, Inc., located in Wilmore,
Kentucky. Cataloged items that are stored in this location appear in the Libraries' online catalog, InfoKat, with the location designated as 'Off Campus
Retrieval'. Requests for items stored in this location may be made in person to staff in the Young Library Interlibrary Loan Department during working
hours, or may be submitted electronically any time using the Storage Retrieval Form.
Who May Borrow?
Material housed in either storage facility may be requested for retrieval by any library patron at no cost. Certain materials such as material in
microform formats (microfiche, microfilm and microcards) and periodicals may be restricted to in-house use after retrieval. After retrieval, patrons will
be notified of availability for pick-up at the library.
Request Form
Use this form to request retrievals from either storage facility.
When Will the Materials be Available for Use?
Items requested before 4:30 pm. Monday -Thursday are usually available at Young Library by 2:00 p.m. the following day. Items requested after 9:00
a.m. Friday and over the weekend are usually available at Young Library by 2:00 p.m. the following Monday.
For more information about storage materials, contact Young Library Document Delivery Services.
Last update: 2006-03-16 10:38:59
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