Remote Shelving Services · 45
“CQI—Continual Quality Improvement initiative was undertaken to evaluate service to users in 2004–2005.”
“Evaluated turnaround time before and after changing from using a courier service to a library-supported
“Evaluating all aspects of service through routine statistic analysis currently evaluating feasibility to expand
service beyond university.”
“Library staff has evaluated the facility’s environmental conditions via electronic data collectors.”
“No direct evaluation, but included as part of LibQUAL+™ and other surveys of library facilities and services
also Faculty Library Committee comments on services from remote storage.”
“Turnaround time, percent filled analyses.”
“Unsolicited messages.”
Service Changes
19. Please describe any remote shelving facility service that has been added in the past 5 years.
What was the primary reason for adding this service(s)? N=35
Service Added Reason for Adding
1) Office delivery (departmental) is offered delivery is
made via “Gator” utility vehicle or single-user Segway
2) Rush delivery can be made after normal daily courier
service to library locations (using vehicles above).
To meet users’ needs.
1. Saturday service. 2. Direct delivery to library service
points by facility staff.
1. Request volume warranted it. 2. Reducing delivery time
from facility to service point.
A second Annex. Climate controlled, it houses archives/
special collections, maps and other media, and regular
books in compact shelving.
First annex not climate controlled. Also, needed more
a) Library to library delivery: serve as a pickup point
for books from other 19 Cornell libraries b) Library to
office delivery: sending books to a designated library for
distribution to faculty office c) PDF delivery of microform
To make access of materials easier and faster for users.
All services new in past five years.
Desktop delivery. Availability of technology.
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