44 · SPEC Kit 295
Items N
1,000 6
1,000–4,999 15
5,000–9,999 11
10,000–14,999 8
15,000–19,999 3
20,000–24,999 2
25,000 7
Minimum Maximum Mean Median Std Dev
5 68,456 12,339.4 6,400.0 14,807.1
Service Evaluation
18. Have remote shelving facility services ever been evaluated? N=59
Yes 23 39%
No 36 61%
If yes, which methods have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of these services? Check all
that apply. N=23
Informal feedback 16 70%
Surveys 7 30%
Focus groups 2 9%
Other 9 39%
Please explain other evaluation method.
Selected Comments from Respondents
“Any and every instance of a service ‘failure’ (user did not receive the desired item at the desired time)
is reviewed to identify cause and determine possible action (examples have included catalog record
enhancement and repeated training for circulation staff).”
“Balanced Scorecard metric internal flowchart study.”
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