80 · SPEC Kit 295
Indiana University Bloomington
09/22/2006 04:19 PM IUB Libraries: Request Materials from the Library Auxiliary Facility (ALF)
Page 2 of 3 http://www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?pageId=54
you do not have an IU ID or IU Library Borrower's
Card, you should request ALF materials via
Interlibrary Loan through your local library.
Duration of Loans
With some exceptions, material from the ALF
circulates according to normal loan periods. Loan
policies may be found at:
pageId=941#loan. Most ALF materials can be
renewed unless needed by another borrower. Renew
ALF materials just as you would other materials
borrowed from the Libraries.
Returning ALF Library Materials
Circulating ALF materials may be returned to any IU
Library, on or before the due date to avoid overdue
fines. ALF materials are subject to the same fine
policies as other IUB Herman B Wells or IUB Campus
Library items, including recall fines. Fine policies may
be found at: http://www.libraries.iub.edu/index.php?
Restricted Use Items
Materials housed in the ALF from the Lilly Library, Law
Library, University Archives, David S. Bradley Film
Collection and some other special collections are available
for restricted use only.
Using Lilly Library Materials
Lilly Library materials housed in the ALF are listed in
the online catalog as “Lilly Library ALF”. When
requested, these materials will be delivered to and
must be used exclusively in the Lilly Library Reading
Room. All requests for Lilly items received prior to
12:00 pm (noon) on Monday through Friday will be
delivered to the Lilly Library by 5:00 pm on the same
day. There is no Saturday delivery to the Lilly
Library. Users must follow these Lilly Library policies:
http:www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/visiting.shtml. Failure
to supply an email address with your ALF request may
result in delays receiving the item.
Using Stacks, Restricted Materials
Some special collection materials housed in the ALF
are listed in the online catalog as “Auxiliary Library
Facility -Stacks, Restricted ”. When requested, these
materials will be delivered to and must be used
exclusively in the Lilly Library Reading Room. All
requests for Stacks, Restricted items received prior to
12:00 pm (noon) on Monday through Friday will be
delivered to the Lilly Library by 5:00 pm on the same
day. There is no Saturday delivery to the Lilly
Library. Users must follow these Lilly Library policies:
http:www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/visiting.shtml. Failure
to supply an email address with your ALF request may
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