Remote Shelving Services · 113
University of Colorado at Boulder
09/22/2006 04:29 PM UCB Libraries |Circulation |PASCAL Policies
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one complete run of a print serial title.
1. The depositing library will retain ownership of materials it stores at PASCAL
2. If a library attempts to store materials that duplicate items already stored and the
duplicate items are then discarded, the depositing library may continue to count
those items in its holdings statistics. In some cases, it may be possible to address
recall requests by supplying electronic versions of the materials.
Permanent Recall of Materials to Library Collections
1. Depositing libraries may recall their own stored materials permanently. Permanent
recall of materials should be kept to a minimum.
2. Requests to permanently recall combined serials or materials deposited by another
library must be submitted in writing, along with justification, to the PASCAL
Oversight Committee for decision.
3. There is a $5.00 charge for each item permanently recalled.
1. All materials to be sent to PASCAL must be represented by a machine-readable
bibliographic record appearing both in the local library's OPAC and in Prospector.
Cataloging will be the responsibility of the owning library and must be completed
before materials are shipped to the storage facility. It is critical that materials be
cataloged as fully and accurately as practical, since the cataloging record will be
the only mechanism for identifying and retrieving the desired materials. Records
may be suppressed in Prospector at the discretion of the owning library.
2. Full-level cataloging for each item is the ideal model. Full-level cataloging
assumes that a bibliographic record has been created/used in OCLC or created
locally. Information in the record includes author, title, other title information,
imprint, physical description, series (if appropriate), any appropriate notes, and
subject and other tracings as appropriate.
3. If the library cannot provide full-level cataloging, the minimum acceptable will be K-
level cataloging K-level cataloging includes author, title, other title information,
imprint, physical description, and series (if applicable). It usually does not contain
notes or tracings, although some subject access to these materials would be very
desirable (at least one or more subject headings assigned).
4. Collection level records or other minimal level records for special or archival
collections are acceptable.
5. Local policy will determine the assignment and form of classification numbers. The
call number assigned by the owning library will continue to display in the record.
Call numbers have no relevance within PASCAL, but they could still be used to
locate all materials on a given subject whether housed locally or off site.
6. All physical volumes or units attached to the bibliographic record must be
represented by an item record. The item record will include the owning library's
barcode. A second ÒinventoryÓ barcode will be applied to existing item records by
PASCAL staff.
Lending and Delivery of Materials
1. Lending
a. Via home library
Materials are requested by patron through the home library, retrieved by PASCAL
staff, sent to requesting library. Requesting library checks out material to patron.
Loan periods are those of the requesting library. Archival material will be for in-
house use only, at the requesting library. Patrons may request no more than 15
items at a time.
b. Via Prospector
PASCAL will be treated as a location in the depositing library's catalog, in the
Prospector system. Loan periods for materials requested through Prospector are
University of Colorado at Boulder
09/22/2006 04:29 PM UCB Libraries |Circulation |PASCAL Policies
Page 2 of 4
one complete run of a print serial title.
1. The depositing library will retain ownership of materials it stores at PASCAL
2. If a library attempts to store materials that duplicate items already stored and the
duplicate items are then discarded, the depositing library may continue to count
those items in its holdings statistics. In some cases, it may be possible to address
recall requests by supplying electronic versions of the materials.
Permanent Recall of Materials to Library Collections
1. Depositing libraries may recall their own stored materials permanently. Permanent
recall of materials should be kept to a minimum.
2. Requests to permanently recall combined serials or materials deposited by another
library must be submitted in writing, along with justification, to the PASCAL
Oversight Committee for decision.
3. There is a $5.00 charge for each item permanently recalled.
1. All materials to be sent to PASCAL must be represented by a machine-readable
bibliographic record appearing both in the local library's OPAC and in Prospector.
Cataloging will be the responsibility of the owning library and must be completed
before materials are shipped to the storage facility. It is critical that materials be
cataloged as fully and accurately as practical, since the cataloging record will be
the only mechanism for identifying and retrieving the desired materials. Records
may be suppressed in Prospector at the discretion of the owning library.
2. Full-level cataloging for each item is the ideal model. Full-level cataloging
assumes that a bibliographic record has been created/used in OCLC or created
locally. Information in the record includes author, title, other title information,
imprint, physical description, series (if appropriate), any appropriate notes, and
subject and other tracings as appropriate.
3. If the library cannot provide full-level cataloging, the minimum acceptable will be K-
level cataloging K-level cataloging includes author, title, other title information,
imprint, physical description, and series (if applicable). It usually does not contain
notes or tracings, although some subject access to these materials would be very
desirable (at least one or more subject headings assigned).
4. Collection level records or other minimal level records for special or archival
collections are acceptable.
5. Local policy will determine the assignment and form of classification numbers. The
call number assigned by the owning library will continue to display in the record.
Call numbers have no relevance within PASCAL, but they could still be used to
locate all materials on a given subject whether housed locally or off site.
6. All physical volumes or units attached to the bibliographic record must be
represented by an item record. The item record will include the owning library's
barcode. A second ÒinventoryÓ barcode will be applied to existing item records by
PASCAL staff.
Lending and Delivery of Materials
1. Lending
a. Via home library
Materials are requested by patron through the home library, retrieved by PASCAL
staff, sent to requesting library. Requesting library checks out material to patron.
Loan periods are those of the requesting library. Archival material will be for in-
house use only, at the requesting library. Patrons may request no more than 15
items at a time.
b. Via Prospector
PASCAL will be treated as a location in the depositing library's catalog, in the
Prospector system. Loan periods for materials requested through Prospector are