Remote Shelving Services · 125
University of Minnesota
2. Collections
2.1 Introduction --As a depository dedicated to resource sharing, MLAC provides rapid and efficient access to
stored materials. Books, magazines, and other print-based library materials may be stored in MLAC.
Deposited items must have been determined to have lasting value permanent storage is not a substitute
for responsible deacquisition decisions. The staff reserves the right to reject material, which, in its
judgment, is too fragile for use, is in very poor condition, or is not suitable for high-density storage.
Duplicates of the same title or same edition may be retained at the discretion of the MLAC staff.
Material, which is not under bibliographic control, will not be accepted. Current plans call for libraries
electing to deposit material in MLAC to retain ownership of their materials.
Depositing libraries shall designate a contact person with whom the MLAC manager can coordinate
2.2 Material Appropriate for Deposit --All print-based materials will be considered for deposit. While MLAC
is designed primarily for print and paper-based materials, other formats will be accepted if they meet the
standard for high-density storage.
An item is a candidate for high-density storage if it can be sorted by its physical factors to fully utilize
shelf space. Examples of formats not suited for high-density storage are motion picture film, maps, and
data tapes. No audio or video material, slides, realia, or archival collections will be accepted.
(Exceptions to normal material acceptance criteria will be made at the discretion of MLAC staff.)
2.3 Condition of Deposited Materials --MLAC does not provide preservation or cataloging services for
deposited collections. The depositing library should properly prepare items before MLAC accessioning.
2.3.1. All volumes should be property stamped or otherwise labeled for ownership.
2.3.2. All volumes sent to MLAC should be clean.
2.3.3. Books in marginal condition or slightly damaged should be enclosed in archivally appropriate enclosures,
acid-free boxes, archival quality polybags, or acid-free phase boxes to preserve the dust-free
environment. MLAC staff shall have discretion to accept or return items lacking appropriate enclosures.
Examples of damaged and/or fragile materials that are not acceptable include:
a) Text block and covers have separated.
b) Soft covers are torn or coming off.
c) Individual pages are falling out of the item.
d) Leather binding is disintegrating.
e) Spines are broken.
2.3.4 Books with mold or insect infestation will not be accepted.
2.3.5 Volumes that are grossly unshelfworthy or in advanced state of deterioration maybe returned to the
depositing library.
2.4 Duplicates: Duplicates of the same title may be accepted (up to two copies) at the discretion of MLAC
staff. It shall be the responsibility of staffs of depositing libraries to check for possible duplication
between materials they plan to transfer to MLAC and material already stored in MLAC depositing
library staff shall alert MLAC staff to apparent duplicates.
2.5 Bibliographic Control --All deposited material must be under bibliographic control and should be
represented by bibliographic records conforming to standards and guidelines developed by the
University of Minnesota
2. Collections
2.1 Introduction --As a depository dedicated to resource sharing, MLAC provides rapid and efficient access to
stored materials. Books, magazines, and other print-based library materials may be stored in MLAC.
Deposited items must have been determined to have lasting value permanent storage is not a substitute
for responsible deacquisition decisions. The staff reserves the right to reject material, which, in its
judgment, is too fragile for use, is in very poor condition, or is not suitable for high-density storage.
Duplicates of the same title or same edition may be retained at the discretion of the MLAC staff.
Material, which is not under bibliographic control, will not be accepted. Current plans call for libraries
electing to deposit material in MLAC to retain ownership of their materials.
Depositing libraries shall designate a contact person with whom the MLAC manager can coordinate
2.2 Material Appropriate for Deposit --All print-based materials will be considered for deposit. While MLAC
is designed primarily for print and paper-based materials, other formats will be accepted if they meet the
standard for high-density storage.
An item is a candidate for high-density storage if it can be sorted by its physical factors to fully utilize
shelf space. Examples of formats not suited for high-density storage are motion picture film, maps, and
data tapes. No audio or video material, slides, realia, or archival collections will be accepted.
(Exceptions to normal material acceptance criteria will be made at the discretion of MLAC staff.)
2.3 Condition of Deposited Materials --MLAC does not provide preservation or cataloging services for
deposited collections. The depositing library should properly prepare items before MLAC accessioning.
2.3.1. All volumes should be property stamped or otherwise labeled for ownership.
2.3.2. All volumes sent to MLAC should be clean.
2.3.3. Books in marginal condition or slightly damaged should be enclosed in archivally appropriate enclosures,
acid-free boxes, archival quality polybags, or acid-free phase boxes to preserve the dust-free
environment. MLAC staff shall have discretion to accept or return items lacking appropriate enclosures.
Examples of damaged and/or fragile materials that are not acceptable include:
a) Text block and covers have separated.
b) Soft covers are torn or coming off.
c) Individual pages are falling out of the item.
d) Leather binding is disintegrating.
e) Spines are broken.
2.3.4 Books with mold or insect infestation will not be accepted.
2.3.5 Volumes that are grossly unshelfworthy or in advanced state of deterioration maybe returned to the
depositing library.
2.4 Duplicates: Duplicates of the same title may be accepted (up to two copies) at the discretion of MLAC
staff. It shall be the responsibility of staffs of depositing libraries to check for possible duplication
between materials they plan to transfer to MLAC and material already stored in MLAC depositing
library staff shall alert MLAC staff to apparent duplicates.
2.5 Bibliographic Control --All deposited material must be under bibliographic control and should be
represented by bibliographic records conforming to standards and guidelines developed by the