Remote Shelving Services · 79
Indiana University Bloomington
09/22/2006 04:19 PM IUB Libraries: Request Materials from the Library Auxiliary Facility (ALF)
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YOU ARE HERE IUB LIB. Home Library Services Borrow, Renew &Request Request Materials from ALF
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Request Materials from ALF
IU library materials that no longer fit into the stacks
of the IUB Herman B Wells Library and the IUB
Campus Libraries are housed in a collections vault at
the Ruth Lilly Auxiliary Library Facility (ALF). Most
materials from the ALF may be charged out for home
or office use, with the exception of several restricted
use collections (see Restricted Use Items below).
Users must present an IU ID card or a Library
Borrower's card to charge these materials out.
Faculty, students and staff of Indiana University and
Indiana residents may request materials to be
delivered to the IUB Herman B Wells Library
circulation desk or to the circulation desk of an
IUB Campus Library.
The materials housed in the ALF are listed in the
library online catalog, IUCAT. The designated location
listed in IUCAT for general ALF materials is B-ALF. To
request an item from the ALF, just click the link next
to the listing for the item.
Delivery &Pick Up Of Requested
Requests for use on the BLOOMINGTON campus
(non-restricted materials):
Requested materials must be picked up in person
from the IUB Herman B Wells Library circulation desk
or the chosen IUB Campus Library circulation desk.
Materials requested prior to 12:00 pm (noon),
Monday through Saturday, will be available from your
selected Bloomington library delivery destination by
5:00 pm the same evening. Materials requested after
12:00 pm (noon), Monday through Saturday, will be
available from your selected Bloomington library
delivery destination by 5:00 pm the following
business day. During academic breaks and holidays,
many libraries have reduced hours. Please consult
Hours &Locations. Failure to supply an
email address with your ALF request may result
in delays receiving the item.
Requests for use on a NON-BLOOMINGTON
campus (non-restricted materials):
Materials requested for use on other campuses are
handled via Request Delivery policies, and should
reach non-Bloomington campuses in 4 to 7 days. You
must have an IU ID or IU Library Borrower's Card to
request ALF materials via the ALF Request Form. If
you do not have an IU ID or IU Library Borrower's
Borrow, Renew &Request
Renew Library Materials
Place a Recall
Request Materials from ALF
Request Materials IUB Libraries Do
Not Own (ILL)
Request Article Delivery
Request a Purchase
Rush Cataloging Requests
Non IU Borrowing
Request Delivery
Faculty Study Application
Library Carrel Application
Indiana University Bloomington
09/22/2006 04:19 PM IUB Libraries: Request Materials from the Library Auxiliary Facility (ALF)
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Search IUB Libraries
SERVICES FOR: Faculty Graduate Students Undergraduates Distance Learners Visitors IUCAT |Ask a Librarian
YOU ARE HERE IUB LIB. Home Library Services Borrow, Renew &Request Request Materials from ALF
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Borrow, Renew &Request
Class Reserves
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Request Materials from ALF
IU library materials that no longer fit into the stacks
of the IUB Herman B Wells Library and the IUB
Campus Libraries are housed in a collections vault at
the Ruth Lilly Auxiliary Library Facility (ALF). Most
materials from the ALF may be charged out for home
or office use, with the exception of several restricted
use collections (see Restricted Use Items below).
Users must present an IU ID card or a Library
Borrower's card to charge these materials out.
Faculty, students and staff of Indiana University and
Indiana residents may request materials to be
delivered to the IUB Herman B Wells Library
circulation desk or to the circulation desk of an
IUB Campus Library.
The materials housed in the ALF are listed in the
library online catalog, IUCAT. The designated location
listed in IUCAT for general ALF materials is B-ALF. To
request an item from the ALF, just click the link next
to the listing for the item.
Delivery &Pick Up Of Requested
Requests for use on the BLOOMINGTON campus
(non-restricted materials):
Requested materials must be picked up in person
from the IUB Herman B Wells Library circulation desk
or the chosen IUB Campus Library circulation desk.
Materials requested prior to 12:00 pm (noon),
Monday through Saturday, will be available from your
selected Bloomington library delivery destination by
5:00 pm the same evening. Materials requested after
12:00 pm (noon), Monday through Saturday, will be
available from your selected Bloomington library
delivery destination by 5:00 pm the following
business day. During academic breaks and holidays,
many libraries have reduced hours. Please consult
Hours &Locations. Failure to supply an
email address with your ALF request may result
in delays receiving the item.
Requests for use on a NON-BLOOMINGTON
campus (non-restricted materials):
Materials requested for use on other campuses are
handled via Request Delivery policies, and should
reach non-Bloomington campuses in 4 to 7 days. You
must have an IU ID or IU Library Borrower's Card to
request ALF materials via the ALF Request Form. If
you do not have an IU ID or IU Library Borrower's
Borrow, Renew &Request
Renew Library Materials
Place a Recall
Request Materials from ALF
Request Materials IUB Libraries Do
Not Own (ILL)
Request Article Delivery
Request a Purchase
Rush Cataloging Requests
Non IU Borrowing
Request Delivery
Faculty Study Application
Library Carrel Application