Remote Shelving Services · 41
16. Who makes deliveries of the physical item or photocopy to a library or other campus location?
Library staff 35 58%
Remote shelving facility staff 24 40%
Campus mail service 13 22%
Contract courier service 8 13%
USPS 1 2%
Other 15 25%
Please explain other delivery service.
Selected Comments from Respondents
“Books and larger numbers of photocopies are delivered by campus mail service articles are carried back from
storage by staff.”
“Combination of library staff-operated delivery service and facility staff-provided special runs.”
“Courier delivers to three central locations materials are then redistributed by library staff.”
“Delivery service to all three of the TUG institutions is run by one institution’s (UW’s) Campus Mail/Central
Stores delivery service.”
“Full-time courier located at facility for weekdays part-time courier and staff based at main campus for
“Library messenger service.”
“Library Shipping &Receiving.”
“MINITEX Delivery System provides statewide delivery using various delivery options: couriers, staff, UPS, US
mail, etc.”
“Often a combination of campus mail service to a central point and library mail service to another location.”
“Other universities’ courier services.”
“Student employees.”
“The Collections Access, Loan, and Management Division has several full-time CDL drivers and owns an air
conditioned truck that is used in the twice-daily run between Capitol Hill and Ft. Meade.”
“UPS to off-campus sites.”
“We have hired two library clerks who run between the various buildings to pick up and deliver the items to
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